Addonis Lebas



8 years, 10 months ago


Labbions belong to rani @ fa

Age: 35

Species: Labbion

Element: Dark

Sexuality: Bisexual 

Height: 6''2


Addonis is a very quiet individual and is a government studies teacher. His previous career was being a policeman, but due to his many near-death situations, he decided to take a career that ensures that he'll live to see his kids (triplets) grow up. Addonis is very protective when it comes to his wife and children. If even one shady character stares too long, Addonis' glare is usually more than enough to intimidate anyone away. Cool and collected, very little fazes him; even when he's seriously injured, he stays composed, as if he doesn't care about his own well-being. Mess with others, he'll readily show his large labbion claws.

Those that don't know him can interpret him as a jerk, but he is simply a blunt person who blieves that one should always say what they mean. He loves teasing his friends and although they seem to enjoy annoying him daily, Addonis keeps his friends close; they're basically family.

He's a very popular teacher not only for his looks, but his passion for teaching. Everyone that meets him for the first time see Addonis as a very intimidating threat due to his size. His general expression is stoic, yet his kind and gentle nature is evident once you hang around him for an hour or two. He's basically a gentle teddy bear, according to his wife. And much to everyone's suprise, Addonis is quite innocent in the sense that he doesn't understand sexual cues from others that hit on him. He can hang out with someone for months and not realize they were making advances on him the whole time unless they say it bluntly (which at that point he rjects them).


"I know I'm a jerk. At least I admit it."

"How on earth would I know that Netflix and pizza is a code for sex? If you ask me to watch a movie and eat pizza, I expect some pizza to be waiting for me!"

Fun Fact:

-Addonis is skilled at the flamenco guitar.

-He's a skilled dancer

-His native language is French, but he also speaks Spanish and Japanese and English

Theme Song:

Dance of Fools by Kenji Ito (Dawn of Mana OST)