


2 years, 7 months ago








  • Vulputate mi sit amet mauris commodo.
  • At consectetur lorem donec massa sapien. Justo nec ultrice.
  • Risus nullam eget felis eget nunc lobortis.
  • In hendrerit gravida rutrum quisque.


  • Has a teardrop shaped mole/spot under his right eye.
  • Overarching wing/bird motifs.
  • Semper auctor neque vitae tempus.
  • Ultricies lacus sed turpis tincidunt.


Born as the chosen child of an centuries old prophecy, Darjeeling was taken from his family before he even opened his eyes. Raised by a coven of devout believers of the prophecy, he was not even given a name. Only referred to as "our Savior".

With 5 years he looks up to his teacher, who had him by his hand to lead him to the great hall to pray. The man had called him "Our Savior" when he had knocked on the doors to his chamber, a room way too big for such a small child. "Is that my name?" he asks. "No." said his teacher, "It's what you are" . With 5 years, he doesn't understand. He starts calling himself Savior.

Only years later, just shortly after he became an adult, did Darjeeling learn of the true meaning of the prophecy. As a vessel, he was to contain an ancient power which awoke from its slumber. Bound to his body and thus rendered mortal, Darjeeling was meant to perish and take this power with him, finally freeing the world from its looming presence.

But they underestimated his will to live, to see the world which he has been hidden from for his whole life. Bleeding shadows instead of red, the power now within him retaliated, healing his wounds and warding off his executioners. He was soon recaptured, this protective power receding as soon as his last wound was healed.

Unsure what to do with a "Savior" that refused to fullfill his destiny, they bound him in shackles, crying out for valiant knights and heroes to come and slay this newborn evil. Waves after waves of warriors and champions looking for fortune and glory arrived, only to be slain again and again. And Darjeeling stayed painfully, sufferingly alive.

Years passed, until an unusual figure arrived, somebody who was far from being called a hero. Intruigued by the stories and a vague memory of "the Savior" from his childhood, he did not see the "corrupted and evil beast" from the tales - but Darjeeling. Just Darjeeling. Lonely and suffering and yearning Darjeeling.

The figure offered him tea, a name, and the chance to see the world. The "Savior" was left behind - And Darjeeling finally began his journey.