Petal Amet



2 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Male (he/him)




July 14th


Lawful Evil




Petal is a well-known Knight of Blackrain. An extremely powerful, revered knight, nicknamed the "Paladin of Flowers" for his quick, graceful movements with an ornate blade. 

He is a soft-spoken and gentle man. It’s as if he carefully chooses his words to come off as humble, yet incredibly dependable. He shows immense respect and kindness for everyone he speaks to, and tends to never break this manner of speaking. One can tell he was a little sheltered as a younger child. Some things you say may fly right over his head, and he'll give you an innocent, oblivious response. People closer to him thinks he may do this on purpose to hide the fact that he's easily embarrassed, much to his chagrin. 

As if always feeling the weight of the responsibilities of a knight, he can be overprotective at times. He can get a little nosy or bossy when trying to protect or help another person. Even if you ask him to tone it down, he'll have a tough time doing so. It can be overbearing, but his pride prevents him from letting his guard down for even a second.

Underneath his kind shell is a relentless moral compass. He’s very serious about the laws of Blackrain and all of Minerva, and tends to overreact when people break the smallest of rules. He will not hesitate to fight, injure, or even kill anyone that does anything out of line. There is a certain sadness that fogs his mind, and it can only be sated by eliminating the ones who fall off the path of righteousness.

After certain events, he has developed a lot more self control; however, he struggles with the scars of his past, and with the trail of bodies he left behind him. The radiance of knighthood is all he needs.