
2 years, 7 months ago


Name: EVE

Series: Animals and Project EVE

Age: ????

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Robot

Favorite Food: Robots don't need food!

Element: Light (?)

Powers: Can fire missiles from her hands, can fire lasers, can receive galactic transmissions on her screen, can transform into larger and more powerful robots, strangely has a lot of knowledge about magic, etc (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "Do not fear, EVE is here!"

Likes: Protecting her friends, transforming into larger robots, magic, shiny things, providing information to help her friends, flowers, and stars.

Dislikes: Glades, Shadow-cat, people harming her friends, environmental destruction, and being called "outdated"

Personality: EVE is a friendly and positive robot. She's always willing to help her allies and friends and will do whatever it takes to protect them from threats. EVE will always talk in third-person, and is known to get excited when she gets an opportunity to transform into one of her larger robot forms. She sometimes misunderstands phrases as commands, and doesn't understand modern slang due to her intelligence programing being outdated. While she is a great fighter in battle, EVE is surprisingly careful not to cause damage to her surroundings. She appears to have a lot of knowledge regarding magic and spell casting. When EVE finally explains her backstory, she drops her third-person speech completely.

Home: ????

History: In every story she appears in, EVE first appears seemingly out of no where claiming that it is her duty to protect one of the characters (Saffron in the Project EVE, Shine in Animals, etc). She has mysterious origins that are usually revealed close to the end of story where she's shown to hold one of the final things the heroes need before the final battle. The events of Project EVE take place before EVE's appearance in Animals.

In Animals, EVE suddenly appears in a later story arc claiming that she's there to protect Shine. She then joins the heroes on their adventures, but reveals little about her true purpose.

In Project EVE, EVE appears when Cass, Willow, and Saffron are first  attacked by the villains and claims she was sent to protect them. She then joins their adventure while trying to avoid being destroyed by the villains or stolen by Mysterious Thief X.

Current-Bio: In Animals. it's not until near the end that EVE reveals the real reason for her appearance. She drops the robotic voice and third-person speech to explain that she came directly to help Shine and the others find the Ameritis Crystals. She explains that she is actually a close ally of Nytress, the missing older brother of Shine and Latin, and EVE herself was once a being called Evelyn. Sometime before the start of the story, Evelyn lost her body and had her soul placed into a robot by Nytress, who went missing not long after. Knowing that they wouldn't be able to stop Glades and Shadow-cat as they were, EVE set out to find Latin and Shine to help them. After explaining her backstory to the heroes, EVE finally reveals that she possesses one of the final Ameritis Crystals (which happens to contain her soul). However, removing the crystal will cause EVE to stop working... (yes this current-bio seems like a history section, but this is where EVE's current status in the story lies)

In Project EVE, EVE is currently adventuring with Cass and the others in their adventure to stop Celeste.

Meta-History: EVE was created in 2015, and is directly named after the robot EVE from Mother 1 (I was playing it at the time, okay?) while her design was somewhat inspired by titular character in the cartoon Robotboy (with some My Life as a Teenage Robot sprinkled about). Her role in the story is somewhat similar to EVE in Mother 1, as she's sent to aid/protect someone dear to her creator in the stories she appears in. Originally I was writing her for my story (Project EVE) about Cass Friday Doodles but I eventually found myself putting her in Animals. I ended up liking her addition to the Animals cast, and I feel like it helped me figure out some backstory stuff in Animals and also how to use EVE in other stories. Most of my characters that appear in more than one story have consistent backstories, but EVE is a bit of an outlier since her backstory varies a bit between stories. I consider Animals EVE to be the canon EVE though. I am always debating on whether her name is pronounced as "Eva" or "Eve" (probably the latter). As explained in the history section, EVE is actually a soul in a robot's body, so if you're wondering "Audrey, why does the robot have gender?" it's because she technically wasn't a robot originally. And yes her name must always be spelled as "EVE". "Eve" is unacceptable.

Relationships with Other Characters:

(in Animals):

Shine: EVE claims to be there to protect Shine and is very friendly with him.

Nytress: EVE has a long history with the missing star prince, and considers him to be her true comrade.

(in Project EVE)

Cass: EVE is friends with Cass.

Willow: EVE is friends with Willow.

Saffron: EVE claims she was sent to protect Saffron.

Onyx: EVE claims to have encountered Onyx before.

Mysterious Thief X: Being that the thief wishes to steal EVE, the robot is understandably wary of her.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.