
2 years, 8 months ago


01 — Soubrette

Name Yeshi (夜石)
Alias Brighella, Valentina (Incognito)
Age (Depends on timeline)
Gender ♀ Female
Height 178cm (5'10")
Birthdate ♏︎ November 14
Species Demigod
Nation Liyue - Snezhnaya
Birthplace Liyue
Affiliation The Fatui
Occupation Fatui Harbinger

Vision Cryo
Weapon Sword
Constellation Tricornus Cetus

Timid Confident
Ignorant Intelligent
Spiteful Kind
Impulsive Calm
Logical Creative
Serious Playful
02 — Personality

"I wish I wasn't such a dreamer. I've ruined this life for myself."

Yeshi takes extreme pride in her divine blood, and in being the Tsaritsa's favorite. She can come off as cocky and even mischievous at times, as she enjoys teasing new recruits. While she often brags about being a descendant of a god, her immortality seems to throw her into a dilemma. As a result, she often distances herself from other humans in fear of getting attached to them. Despite that, she is generally friendly and charming, and tries her best to get along with her colleagues and underlings, although not too close.

Yeshi is quite merciful and dislikes unnecessary bloodshed. For example, she prefers merely knocking out targets rather than killing them which she admits to being quite tricky. Despite all of that, Yeshi has a shaky sense of morality, admitting that she is willing to kill or dispose of her opponents as long it's in the name of the Tsaritsa, and is quite the force to contend with, often sadistic in her retaliation when angered.

On casual days, Yeshi often sneaks out of the palace and goes incognito under the name of "Valentina" (a name she got from a certain mirror maiden.. whether or not it's considered identity theft, it's up to you lol) to slack off on her job and get away from her colleague's supervision. Under that name, she enjoys watching operas and theatre plays, sometimes even performing in one on a good day. She also enjoys ice fishing and ice skating, but often gets homesick in the end as she was reminded of her childhood with her late father.


  • Fishing (Ferally)

  • Operas & Theatres

  • Her dads' geo and hydro whales

  • Ice skating


  • Unnecessary Bloodshed

  • Homesickness

  • Humans' fleeting lifespan

  • Getting attached to fickle things

03 — About

Ajax and Zhongli's eldest child. Being the daughter of the Harbinger who quite literally, almost destroyed Liyue harbor, she is rather frowned upon by the Adepti and even some of the Liyue citizens. Despite that, she lives a relatively normal and happy childhood.

After Ajax's passing, Yeshi left Liyue to join the Fatui in his name. (Despite fully knowing that he will never approve of her joining the Fatui if he was still with her) Quickly climbed up the ranks and replaced Tartaglia's seat as the 11th Fatui Harbinger. She is notorious for using her beauty as a way to manipulate others into doing her favors.

— Background

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed sodales sem. Praesent sed nisi hendrerit, semper nisl et, tincidunt urna. Pellentesque tincidunt vulputate libero ac eleifend. Aliquam ex leo, rutrum ut fringilla at, tincidunt in justo. Cras consequat ultricies metus, nec commodo velit porttitor a. Cras ut massa varius nisl suscipit interdum sit amet at orci. Morbi semper tellus a elit semper accumsan in maximus est. Mauris at risus gravida lacus lacinia ultricies. Fusce aliquam sapien eget sapien cursus, ac feugiat risus accumsan. Cras luctus iaculis nisi faucibus accumsan. Nunc scelerisque egestas lorem.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed sodales sem. Praesent sed nisi hendrerit, semper nisl et, tincidunt urna. Pellentesque tincidunt vulputate libero ac eleifend. Aliquam ex leo, rutrum ut fringilla at, tincidunt in justo. Cras consequat ultricies metus, nec commodo velit porttitor a. Cras ut massa varius nisl suscipit interdum sit amet at orci. Morbi semper tellus a elit semper accumsan in maximus est. Mauris at risus gravida lacus lacinia ultricies. Fusce aliquam sapien eget sapien cursus, ac feugiat risus accumsan. Cras luctus iaculis nisi faucibus accumsan. Nunc scelerisque egestas lorem.


04 — Trivia

  • The name Yeshi (夜石) translates to "Night Rock", referring to the chinese name for Noctilucous Jade, "夜泊石".

  • Brighella is a stock character of the Italian commedia dell’arte; a roguish, quick-witted, opportunistic, and sometimes lascivious and cruel figure.

  • A soubrette is a type of operatic soprano voice fach, often cast as a female stock character in opera and theatre. The term arrived in English from Provençal via French, and means "conceited" or "coy". A soubrette is also defined as a young woman regarded as flirtatious or frivolous

  • Her incognito name, Valentina, is taken from a character from Shakespeare's play Titus Andronicus named Valentine.

  • Her constellation, Tricornus Cetus, translates to "Three-Horned Sea Monster".

  • Has three horns! (similar to Exuvia's horn on its forehead, but hers is more similar to a narwhal horn) Naturally only shows one horn, but the rest of the horns will sprout whenever she goes apeshit.

  • Can partially control geo (because... Zhongli). Eyes turns amber whenever she uses her geo powers.

  • Can summon cryo whales to match with her dads. The fact that Childe’s whale is a nuke and Zhongli’s geo whales can turn into missiles can only mean her whale is also a nuclear weapon of war.

  • Her design is based on Sixth Serenade Kallen, Blood Voivode Fu Hua and Childe's delusion form.

  • Her character is inspired from an Indonesian-Fiction novel, Ayahku (Bukan) Pembohong by Tere Liye! everyone should read this i think

  • Some of her stuff is based on the theme of love, and valentine, because of the Tsaritsa's theme around love. Also her birthday is 9 months after February 14.. aha aha aha you know what that means...

  • She has the Childe Tartaglia Ajax situation going on but in this case she has FOUR names. Yeshi (real name), Brighella (Harbinger name), Soubrette (title) and Valentina is her incognito name!

  • Got inspired from 3 AM thoughts I had in 2020 about Zhongli’s female form sobbing

  • Her signature weapon is Summit Shaper.

  • Being half-human, she cannot shapeshift. But she can hide her back horns!

— Design Notes

  • Her eyes are the same color as Childe's, but with Zhongli's eye texture.

  • The dark part of her hair is the same color as Zhongli's, but the orange ombre is the same color as Childe's hair.

  • Red eyeliner.

  • She wears Childe's earring on her left ear. (Just hidden by her floof hair)

  • Slightly pointy ears.

  • Red ribbon tied to the hair behind her left ear, very important!

  • Zhongli beansprout ahoge...

05 — Moodboard

06 — Relationships


Yeshi’s human father. Yeshi is a big daddy’s girl and loves getting pampered by him, though she hates it when he gets protective over her. Ajax often brings her to fish with him, most of the time ends up with Yeshi getting feral over fish and a very angry mom waiting at home. Despite mostly being apart due to Ajax’s job as a harbinger, the two truly loved and cared for one another, and cherished the times they had together. Yeshi decided that she would join the Fatui one day like her father, though Ajax disapprove; wishing for her to live a normal, happy life.

Ajax often tells stories and lies to Yeshi in order to “protect her dreams”. Yeshi used to believe his stories and looks up highly at him. She stopped believing in his stories when she was older and ended up not trusting Ajax as much as she used to. Often calls him a liar and wary of anything he says, even if what he is saying is the truth.

Father... Mother?

Yeshi’s father… and mother? (Sometimes?) Yeshi is aware of his identity and likes to subtly hint at unsuspecting citizens that maybe Zhongli is more than they think he is. Always gets caught and gets lectured for 9 hours straight. (Or more if Zhongli is in the mood.) Though Yeshi was never bothered by his lectures and sees it as a form of affection. Yeshi is used to Zhongli changing forms, but she never sees him as anything more than her “human” father, completely ignoring the fact that her father is an ancient being. Only bringing it up as a joke or to annoy him.

Like Ajax, Zhongli loves to tell Yeshi about forgotten stories of the past, and the history behind every artifact Ajax bought for him. While Yeshi finds the stories intriguing, she prefers stories about ordinary humans, rather than stories about Adepti, or other mythical beings of Liyue. But she listens to his rambles anyways, just because it’s Zhongli. He often brings Yeshi to watch Yun-xiansheng’s (and sometimes her father, Ajax) performance, which is where she got her love for theatre and opera.

Despite their constant bickering, they truly love and care for each other, and Zhongli treats her very gently. He lets Yeshi do things that Ajax normally wouldn’t let her do; believing that she’s a strong and independent girl. (Though he can get a bit scary when it comes to suitors…) After Ajax's passing, he lets Yeshi leave Liyue to join the Fatui, believing she is in the safe hands of the Tsaritsa's despite the dangerous duties of the Fatui.

Huan Ri
Younger brother

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Youngest sister

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at lectus in ex pellentesque mattis ut laoreet ante. Mauris nec orci elit. Ut eget tellus eget ipsum porta condimentum. Etiam rhoncus bibendum blandit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at lectus in ex pellentesque mattis ut laoreet ante. Mauris nec orci elit. Ut eget tellus eget ipsum porta condimentum. Etiam rhoncus bibendum blandit.

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