Teramaghi Osoba



2 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info





Personality Type





Feared, avoided, warded against



Every last day of winter ceremonies are held to ward this creature for the coming spring. 

Teramaghi's terrible abilities

Can change the temperature of the air, making it hot, dry and difficult to breathe. 

His beginning

One of the original Angel servants of the Goddess Ahadra. He supported Ahadra in making desicions as to how the magics and energies would be spun on the planet. Teramaghi's input leaned towards the idea of a single power, Ahadra herself the only bearer of magic along with her angelic company. Wanting to share the powers she held Ahadra did not agree with his ideals and insisted on creating a world where all could use and learn magic. This brought forth three new species;  Humans to balance the other two - born without magic but the ability to learn. Spirits - creatures who could share their ability by blessing another. Demons - creatures who could share their abilities through pacts and agreements sealed by a blood bind. Angels were to be absent on the planet. Unknown, unheard of. Their only duty to watch and protect creatures of importance deemed so by the Goddess herself.  Teramaghi learning of the Goddess choice was in shock, both the Goddess and her servants would have no recognition, no worship, no power. Ahadra assured Teramaghi that this was her plan in hope to allow a peaceful world of magic, as she had always wished for. So the Goddess divided her power and gave it to the unknowing creatures of her land,leaving herself with naught but enough to watch over and delicately guide those in need of her.  Teramaghi fought her to change her mind, but as her magic flowed to the earth in life, he was dragged to the underrealm to "watch". Filled with loathing Teramaghi brewed in his wrath until he decided if any were worthy of Her power, he would be the judge. Let ruin befall those who taint the world and body of Ahadra.