Harry Welsh



6 years, 9 months ago



Fandom: My own

Name: Harry

Middle Name:

Last name: Welsh

Sex: Male

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Orientation: Heterosexual

Age: 40

Birthday: January 1st

Nationality: British

Nationality of family: British

Languages: English, Chinese

Species: Mouse


Good traits:

Very respectful

Loyal to his friends

Good at keeping secrets

Other than his co-workers, he has a limit and if something isn't morally correct to him, he will stop.

Good observatory skills

Bad Traits:

Anger issues

Lies to himself

Swears a lot

Doesn't like kids that much (or at least that's what he says)

Gets into fights a lot


Height: 1,64m (he's a little bit bigger than Elliot, Bruce and Christine)

Weight: 59kg

Fur: Dark brown

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Black

Tail: Basic Mouse tail

Body Markings: Has stripes all over his body

Clothes: A stereotypical chinese outfit he's forced to wear

Clothing style: Normally dark but comfy things


Likes and Dislikes

Favourite - Food: Chinese, Chips

Favourite - Hobbies: Cooking, studying chinese culture, whistling, going on walks

Favourite - Animal: Dogs

Favourite - Color: Red

Favourite - other stuff: Drama movies, alcohol, emo music

Disliked - Food: Plain stuff like bread

Disliked - Hobbies: skiing or just winter activities in general, signing

Disliked - Animal: Pelikans (they weird him out)

Disliked - Color: Green

Disliked - other things: People calling him small (or angry), hip hop music



Charlotte Welsh - mother, 72, Alive

Richard Welsh - father, 76, Alive


Ying  - chihuahua, 3 months  

Yue   - chihuahua, 6 months

Sozial: a lot of people know him as the owner of a chinese restaurant. The only people who actually know that he is an undercover agent are Jack and Elliot. But for the others he's your average angry chinese stereotype.

Love: Single and probably forever. He's more of a player, although unsuccessful .

Life:    Alive[//]        Dead[]

Mental Health: Besides a lot of anger, what you can't count as a mental problem, he's fine in the head.

Physical Health: Back pain from carrying heavy stuff but, still okay.

Fears: Angrophobia - Fear of anger or of becoming angry  (that's why he's lying to himself)

Occupation: Undercover agent of the CCA (Cheesecago Crimefighter Alliance) and restaurant owner of a traditional chinese restaurant


Strength           6/6

Intelligence     4/6

Health             4/6  

Sozial              3/6

Other things

Theme music: (WIP)

Voice: Stereotypical chinese accent screamed in a weirdly feminim voice

Addictions: Alcohol, although he isn#t allowed to drink anymore


Harry actually studied the chinese culture and learned chinese. He loves it and that was actually the reason why he took the job as an undercover agent. He was allowed to dress up the traditional way and works (most likely owns)in a traditional chinese restaurant near the walls.

But then Mulligan ruined it by forcing him to act like a stereotypical chinese guy, angry, screaming in the weird accent. And because Harry was scared he would lose his job, he followed the order.