Zantedeschia Aethiopica




 Zantedeschia Aethiopica 

 Calla Lily 

Name: Zantedeschia Aethiopica

Nickname:  Lily, Lil

Gender: Mare

Pronouns: she/her

Species: EB|African 

Alignment: Wayfarer

Plaque: Here

Reference: Here(old)

  • Pheno: Albino (true) on pangare palomino dun
  • Geno: ee AA nCr nD nP nX
  • Horns: hex: D69A1B || 1 set
  • Unconfirmed level: 0

(old blurb by DragonWarLordess) Lily found her way to the reserve as a foal, abandoned by her dam with her albino coat making her a threat. Rusty was kind enough to take her into his village where the people showered her with affection. During the brightest parts of the day she hides in the cover of trees and shelters, too easily harmed by the sun. She is said to be the goddess of the moon garden, a large portion of land around a small cavern dedicated to her. The cavern is where she prefers to spend most of her time, a natural shelter from the sun with a good source of water and good amount of vegetation. (art by xxx)

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