


6 years, 9 months ago


Name: NikolaiĀ 

Nickname(Self entitled): Dr. Cannibal

Age: 24

Height: 6'1

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Human

Personality: Sadistic, cold, heartless, tries to come off as emotionless most of the time, probably a little crazy

Occupation: Surgeon

Weapons: His teeth, small knives, his surgical equipment

Likes: dissecting people, killing people, eating people, anything that has to do with harming people, the taste of blood and flesh, doctors(He may have a thing for guys in doctor/lab coats).

Dislikes: Being interrupted while he does his thing, having to allow a patient to live, cheesy lovey dovey people, the police.

Appearance: shoulder length black tipped blonde hair, emerald green eyes, framed black glasses, a dark grey shirt, tight dark jeans, finger-less dull red gloves, black tennis shoes. While at work he wears a normal surgeons outfit that is occasionally covered in victims/patients blood.

Extra: When not working Nikolai seems almost like a normal person since he hides his tendencies well, there are times though when he's chose to bring random strangers home and murder/cannibalize them.