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My main account is Dio_ !! 

Nobody here is for offers, if you want that go to my sale account Clown_gutzz_alt

Thanks!! Ima copy + paste my main prof warning here :]


I block freely, if I have you blocked and you are looking at this through you're alt and you wanna ask why, feel free to. I may not answer and may just block you again, depending on what you did to make me block you.

DNI if ur under 16 unless ur asking about art or charas! I'm an adult and I don't want to make friends with anyone younger than 16 

My OCs all have proper character warnings. All of my characters are 18+ I post NSFW, please only view if you're 18+

If you're Vamp/Moth or anyone who is associated with them leave me alone and don't interact with me please./srs For more info check my bulletin, if I suspect you are friends or anything I will block.

TOS + Blacklist + DNI are up to date as of July 30th, 2023 if you haven't seen any of the updates then please do look!

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