
6 years, 7 months ago


5,739 years
6 months
4 days
7 hours
20 mintues
and 12 seconds
but who's counting?
5' 2"

➼ Golden objects
➼ Fall
➼ Warmth
➼ Tarot cards
➼ Equality


➼ Children
➼ Confined spaces
➼ Personal junk
➼ Being told what to do
➼ Tight clothing


Kira's secret is her race.
It's no doubt that Kira has an unusual appearance, but no one really could tell what she is. When someone got the courage
to ask, Kira took it as the most offensive thing she could imagine. To her, it is more personal than revealing herself nude
to the entire world. She doesn't like to talk about it because she is the last one left. Kira is part Ancient Egyptian and part
human. Kira's father is Anubis. She takes after him with his black shimmery skin and long ears but thankfully her mother,
a human, helped her skip the whole face of a fox thing.

She was conceived back when her parents were worshiped. The coming of a new child was monuments to her people.
Kira was considered a princess. When she was born, all her parent's subjects showered her with gold necklaces, bracelets,
and ever other little bobble they could give. Her parents, already been accustomed to the vast amounts of gifts, left he
child to suffer the great amount of attention. Kira cried because of the starring of unfamiliar faces, and the glittery objects
that started to tower her on all sides. Her parents, especially Anubis, didn't know why their daughter would not enjoy the
same things they did. In their mind set that whatever they do is godly, they continue to force their lives onto Kira, This
made her resent them even more and she started to rebel. She told her parents that she would never be like them, stuck
out of the temple to play with normal children, and worst of all in her parents eyes, she refused to ever treat anyone else
unfairly because they worshiped her.

Anubis, frustrated with his daughter, the only one that wouldn't obey his every last word stated, " but they will let you do
whatever you want, you are their god! You are who they look to for help and guidance, they owe you for everything you
will do for them! Even if it is not real, they think it is and when you take over, you will play them all for the fools they are
just like I do."

Her father's statement sent her into a uproar. Not only did she think everyone was equal, but she did not want to take over
for her father. She refused. She told the whole society that her father is a fraud, and he will take advantage of every single
last one of them. She yelled from her temple steps that they didn't control the rains, the winds or the sun. She ran though
the streets preaching that it was all a lie and by chance, soiling her family name.

You would expect this would make the subjects associate her with her family. But they saw her courage in standing up to her
father, a once god they bows to everyday to protect them. From then on, she was known as the "God defying princess." As
she grew up, her mother died from old age and her father was locked away in a tomb. Kira was spared because of her open
objectifying against her father. Although at that time she was to scared to say that the reason for her lashing out was
because she got everyone else's attention, but the only ones she wanted it from were her parents.

Since she was left alone, she moved. She was finally free from her parents. But their shadow still hung over her. Everywhere
she went in the world she was recognized for being a god, princess, or just a royal in general. Eventually, as she started to
hide more often and dress without flashy or attention drawing clothes, Anubis and her legend were faded from the minds of
the new age.

Recently, she noticed the world changing, for the better. More equality than ever before, and more acceptance of who the
person is and not what they look like. She decided to come back out of hiding. Her first time back out in society was a real
change. She almost didn't think she could handle it all. Her few possessions were ones her folks gave her. She hated her
parents, but still respected them and liked the few gifts they gave her. Once for instance, was the matching set of earrings
that dangled down with a little golden ball at the end. She bought her outfit that she wears today because it reminds her
about what it's like to be alive and not tied down to a place or to people. She loved being free and open.

The invention of the cell phone was new to Kira, but it quickly became her favorite thing to come out with his new set of
humans. She carries it with her everywhere and she organized everything with the calendar. If she didn't have her cell phone
she wouldn't remember anything. Plus with the new technology, she can travel all over and still keep in touch with the people
she meets on her travels. That was always the hardest part about going places. The fear you would never see your compainions
again. She now is in many social circles for equality, self acceptance and many other things on a website called "facebook" 

Kira was given to me by LittleWizard