
2 years, 11 months ago


Animus Cursed Series #3: Hydra!



Marked by magic and twisted by fate, these siblings share more than blood between them



- Middle head is the only one able to color shift, the other two just change hue

- “Sky” and “Ice” heads are not true hybrids, and are merely enchanted to breathe fire and ice and to resemble the tribes respectively

- “Sky” head has the least control over the body for whatever reason, and is bitter because of it

"Marked by magic and twisted by fate, these sisters share more than blood between them."


[ About ]


"Hydra" is what these three sisters are called. They do have individual names; Vulcan for the 'skywing', Hepa for the 'rainwing', and Morana for the 'icewing.' There was only a short time of being dragonets before they were cursed together. All they know is that their mother deeply angered 'an animus Sandwing who happened to be fasinated with the duality of Skywings and Icewings.' The animus cursed them to punish their mother, and as a result, their mother abandened them to try to make ammends with the animus. The three sisters were nicknamed Hydra and roamed the continent alone. Through time they tried to join every tribe in Pyrrhia. Nothing worked. They stayed at several smaller groups but it was annoying to deal with the looks they got. CUrrently they roam around and memorize every place in Pyrrhia.

Quisque at iaculis nisi. Vestibulum sit amet velit quis ligula lobortis volutpat. Duis at sapien convallis, posuere nunc nec, eleifend dolor. Integer placerat pretium efficitur. Quisque eros nibh, aliquam ac metus et, eleifend ornare turpis. Integer vestibulum dictum iaculis. Sed faucibus felis at pellentesque placerat. Cras dignissim nibh id diam placerat euismod nec id leo. Cras tincidunt lectus quis erat tincidunt, in pellentesque velit fringilla. Ut et urna quis justo malesuada laoreet. Duis sit amet risus at justo condimentum porta. Donec luctus facilisis nisl ut sodales. Vestibulum mattis rhoncus mi, in imperdiet sem elementum placerat.

Mauris tincidunt tempus massa quis tempus. Morbi quis tempus felis. Nullam in purus in arcu aliquam maximus id convallis diam. Etiam sed turpis quis elit rutrum varius. Fusce commodo ante dolor, non aliquet diam lacinia vitae. Duis blandit, quam sed mollis scelerisque, ipsum velit fringilla sapien, eu lacinia mi odio id justo. Aliquam nec neque vel libero aliquam sagittis. Nam lobortis, dui quis scelerisque pharetra, eros est dignissim erat, vitae tincidunt metus odio eget enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas tempus nulla augue, et pretium est rhoncus ullamcorper. Nullam posuere justo nisl, eu accumsan nulla cursus rutrum.

[ Personality ]


  • oceans
  • flying
  • being left alone


  • being talked about
  • cold
  • daytime


You can write more about their personality here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec hendrerit libero. Pellentesque sagittis aliquam orci id vehicula. In ut risus suscipit, aliquam massa nec, porta libero. Curabitur erat mauris, pharetra vel convallis eu, consectetur id diam. Proin ac leo lobortis, tincidunt lectus eget, ultrices orci. Integer pellentesque libero eros, in gravida diam posuere vel. Suspendisse condimentum vehicula eleifend. Fusce id consectetur dolor, vitae dignissim felis. Ut euismod pretium bibendum. Duis id semper diam, eu auctor diam.

[ Basics ]

AGE ~23 years
FLIGHT Rainwing
RESIDENCE None; Roaming