


2 years, 8 months ago


sing me a tune, jester
Descendent of Lelune

Name Whimsystar
Age 132 moons
Gender Trans Male (He/Him)
Species Golden Tabby
Affiliation Bightclan
Role Soverign
elegant / vain / power-hungry

0 - 6 Moons [132-126 MBS] - Whimsykit was born into an easy life, alongside his siblings Gladioluskit and Apricotkit, to his parents Laurelstar and Shadowbask. As the eldest son born to the sovereign, it’s going to be his duty to take the role next. He is absolutely spoiled by both parents, more so over his own siblings.


7-12 Moons [127-120 MBS] - Now granted the suffix -paw, alongside his siblings, Whimsypaw is trained by his father Laurelstar to take over the “family business.” The others aren’t so much as LOOKED at by Laurelstar when Whimsypaw is around, so Shadowbask tends to care for them in his stead.


13 Moons [119MBS] - His father, Laurelstar, is not dead yet, so Whimsypaw is granted a warrior-type name alongside his siblings. They go by the names Whimsysong, Apricotgleam, and Gladiolusgleam.

ADULTHOOD (25-120)

55 Moons [77 MBS] - Laurelstar and Shadowbask’s second litter is born: Tulipkit and Dawnkit.

61 Moons [71 MBS] - Tulipkit and Dawnkit become Tulippaw and Dawnpaw.

65 Moons [67 MBS] - Laurelstar becomes ill. In his absence, Whimsysong and his mother, Shadowbask, run the clan.

67 Moons [65 MBS] - Tulippaw and Dawnpaw become Tuliptail and Dawnlight.

70 Moons [62 MBS] - Laurelstar dies, and though Whimsysong is saddened by the news, he is delighted to take on his true role as Sovereign Whimsystar. He still has no real mate in sight, only fleeting romances. This includes Oleanderhush

80 - 86 Moons [52-46 MBS] - Something is up with Tuliptail, and though Whimsystar doesn’t really care, he doesn’t want whatever it is to get out to the public.

87 Moons [45 MBS] - When Tuliptail comes back home with a mysterious daughter, no carry in sight, Whimsystar starts to treat his brother with less love. He almost thinks of him as a servant at this point. Lunarkit, the daughter, is treated like the bastard child she is.

93 Moons [39 MBS] - Lunarkit becomes Lunarpaw.

99 Moons [33 MBS] - Lunarpaw becomes Lunarwave.

100 Moons [32 MBS] - Lupinekit and Rookkit are born. Whimsystar’s first litter. Firkit and Canarykit are born.

107 Moons [25 MBS] - Figflame, a Barachoisclan merchant, is spotted trading armor with Bloombark, a Beckclan merchant. Whimsystar declares war on Barachoisclan, declaring this an act of sabotage.

109 Moons [23 MBS] - Some mysterious deaths happen in Barachoisclan… Whimsystar has noo clue as to why.

112 Moons [20 MBS] - Beckclan helps Barachoisclan in their defense against Bightclan


114 Moons [18 MBS] - Whimsystar regretfully calls for a truce, but his clan cannot fight double the militia. The life of a sovereign is hard. Cruel.

116 Moons [16 MBS] - Pinemarten and Whimsystar meet at a Gathering. Maybe she doesn’t know who he is, maybe she does, but Whimsystar charms her with a few sweet words before it’s his turn to announce his news.


127 Moons [5 MBS] - Canaryberry, a cleric from his own clan, is found to be romancing a vagabond. His brother, Firfur, his own nephew’s knight, helped the bastard try to escape and is stripped of his name and outcast. Canaryberry undergoes baptisms and is accepted into Lelune’s embrace.

131 Moons [1 MBS] - Still trying to pick up the pieces of their noble clan after their loss in the Skink-Whimsy war, Whimsystar finally gives in to his children’s cries and names Lupinemist his successor and a coronation is held.



  • Decadent Meals
  • Bathing
  • Flowery Smells
  • Poetry

  • Being Dirty
  • Dust
  • Boring Work
  • Bad Jokes

??? Liege, Child

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Rookwish Son

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nec lacus et ligula cursus blandit. Phasellus tincidunt ante vel ante viverra, tempor hendrerit nulla.