Alec's Comments

Ohh I'd love leaf Tiger!!

oh id be happy to trade them! I love them too but just couldn't work em into my story T T I'll send your way!

Sending the baby as well πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• tysm!

If you're looking at offers I can offer anyone off my th minus sonas, things r getting re-sorted rn so it might be hectic I'm sorry sob


I would love to try to offer :)

The miloudee folder is swap only ,so offlimits (which means I only trade against same artist, designs from miloudee). (This is the more pickier folder, I might decline.)

Thanks for looking.

yo, would u look at offers on them and at all possibly??


Does someone from UFO come of interest? :0 Only offlimits are Pending & the TBN *the CS guy in Very tent!*

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That’s alr!

Anyone in my TH interest you for them? No one is offlimits!

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It's all good! Ty for looking! Would you maybe consider art?

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All good! just thought I'd ask ^^ goodluck trading/selling!

Does anybody in my th interest you?

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Ahh, not even anyone on my first folder?

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Yes ofc , my paypal is [email protected]

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Pending !