Alice the Ringtail Possum



2 years, 7 months ago


Name Alice Praline
Home Spiral Hill Village
Age 18
Species Ringtail Possum
Height 3'3"
Gender Female
Alignment Hero
Sexuality Lesbian

Alice is a young woman living in Spiral Hill Village. She is training to become a white mage.


  • Milkshakes
  • Nature
  • Rain


  • Hot weather
  • Crowds
  • Lemonade


Alice is usually very quiet and keeps to herself, although she opens up around close friends. She struggles to stay focused on a singular goal and constantly gets sidetracked.


As a white mage Alice specialises in healing and protection magic. She can amplify the abilities of others, and plays a support role in a team.


Healing: creates a soothing sensation and activates the body's natural healing abilities, allowing for quick recovery from injury. Can be focused on a small area or spread out to give her team a boost in power.
Levitation: allows her to lift and move objects (including herself)
Light Barrier: bends the light around her to make herself invisible
Spell parrying: deflects others spells


Alice grew up in Spiral Hill Village with her mother, who worked as the village nurse. Alice inherited her magic powers from her mother, and was trained as a white mage from a young age. One day Alice was gravely injured, and her mother had to use forbidden magic to save her. When Alice woke up her mother had gone missing. Alice waited and waited for her mother to return. She continued practicing magic and filled her mothers role as the village's nurse. When Alice turned 18 she decided to leave the village to search for her mother.

Present Day

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Core Friend

Core is one of Alices closest friends. They often adventure together. Core uses his Dark Gaia abilities to get into trouble and Alice using her white magic to get Core out of it.


Veronica Idol

Veronica is a songstress from Empire City, and Alice is her biggest fan. Through Core the two were able to meet, and they have become great friends.

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