210 - Limeade



2 years, 8 months ago


Genderless Alien Unknown Age Pansexual
SUBJECT 210 "LIMEADE" HAS A HIGH DANGER LEVEL. BE AWARE OF POTENTIAL INJURY. Procedure: Subject 210 is to be kept within a locked enclosure at all times. 210 requires a carnivore diet, and to be fed and provided with water every day. All staff are permitted to enter, providing they DO NOT APPROACH the subject without EXTREME caution. 210 is not to be removed from the enclosure under any circumstances - Subject 112 may be permitted entry under constant supervision.

Subject 210 is a dragon-reminiscent alien lifeform, capable of speech but with a very rudimentary understanding of English. The origin of 210 is as of yet unknown - efforts to retrieve this imformation from 210 have been unsuccessful. 210 has proved to be entirely uncooperative, preferring to lounge about and consume immense amounts of food rather than further research efforts. Luckily, its colleague 112 is more helpful. 210 was retrieved by [REDACTED] on the date of [REDACTED] and willingly entered OF custody, suffering from life threatening injuries, dehydrated, and starving. After returning to health, 210 indulged itself in OF staff's hospitality, and continues to refuse our questioning. Subject 112 confirmed itself to be not of the same species but the same origin as 210 when speaking with Dr. Riley Brandt.

Written by Dr. Atlas

The nickname "Limeade" has come about due to 210's fur and feather coloring, but for the sake of brevity, 210 is the title I will continue to use. 210 is unhelpful and refuses to cooperate. Our methods are no longer effective. If 210 will not help us, we have to incentivice it to do so. Dr. Dagon, I ask you to transfer leadership of this research effort to me. I understand and respect your trust in Dr. Brandt, but he is still very new to the facility. Please, consider it.

Written by Dr. Dagon

Dr. Atlas, I understand your concerns, but Riley Brandt is best fitted to this project. In the case of subject 63, he has proven himself to be indispensable. As much as I appreciate your work with 63, it is Riley who managed to bring the poor thing out of its depressive state. The project will continue to be the responsibility of Dr. Brandt.

Written by Dr. Brandt

Victor, you still have the authority to do as you please, but it has to go through me first. You understand why. We can talk about it in person.
  • Meat
  • Dog treats
  • Loud music
  • Bothering researchers
  • Wasting time
  • OF researchers
  • Veggies
  • Silence
  • Being woken up
code by dustchomps