


2 years, 8 months ago



  • Highway Driving
  • High Value Rewards
  • Going in Idol Concerts
  • Japanese Curry



  • The Mafias, Yakuzas and Cartels
  • Nasty Foods
  • Body Odour
  • Corrupt Corporats
  • Low Rewards
  • Delaying the Fashion Show



  • Traumatophobia
  • Thanatophobia
  • Kakorrhaphiophobia
  • Phobophobia



  • Car Tuning
  • Drawing
  • Photography
  • Conservation and restoration of road vehicles
  • Backpacking
  • Graffiti
  • Origami
  • Tinkering









 August 15 





 Lawful Good 


lone wolf


  •  Fumio means writing and hero, manly 
  •  He likes to have jobs in solo 
  •  His mind has many ideas on creating a clothing outfit 
  •  He uses only a Ninjatō called HF Kurama 
 Early Life 

Fox was born under the name Fumio, and he lives with his royal family in a defensive and large village called Mitagawa that is far away from Kyoto. It was built during the Great World War, and many people of the Kitsune Race must protect the village from soldiers, bandits, and even Mongolian Pirates. Around that time in his family, his father also wanted to protect the village and provide support from the army to defend the village, he was samurai back then during the Great World War; his mother was also taking care of his son Fumio by giving him some of his favorite food and telling stories about yokai mythologies and even Japanese folklore; and his uncle, however, turned out to be a ninja who was fighting in a Yokai Civil War between the shogunate and the yokais and led a counterintelligence team on what would happen to the village. It was a peaceful day in the village where Fumio was sitting down looking at the castle defenses and its walls and borders. After that, he walked around the village saying hi to everyone around, and the villagers were very happy, and somewhat they told them he was very famous around the streets. However, he went to the castle where he lives with his Royal Family, and he told his family that he wanted to visit a city that is full of technology and has very colorful scenes around the district. They allowed him to go to the city on one condition: he would wear a disguise by wearing a straw hat, hide his ears and tail, and stay away from criminals.

He went to the autonomous city located in Kyoto called Imitaku City. He was sightseeing around the air balloons with fans in the sky, the bazaar that has many foods, clothes, and even souvenirs, and a lot of advertisements like digital boards and billboards. Well, he was very amazed at how he went to the city and all the places were flashy and creative. But suddenly, he saw huge smoke and the sirens of the emergency vehicles going to the location, and he noticed that his village was under attack. He rushed to the village, but the place was too crowded, so he pushed through the crowd, and he was traumatized because his parents had died in the attacks. He hugs his dead family, and suddenly, an officer backs off of him, and he pushed the officer to back off. Before that, the officer told him about the criminals that were involved in the killings of the villagers, and he was shocked that the bandits or criminals might kill them. He cried because his villagers were dead, including his family, but suddenly, his uncle was severely injured, and he went to the forest to find him. His uncle said the attack could be someone trying to wipe out the entire village; however, he told Fox to send a message to his sensei, and it was located in the dojo around Kyoto, and so on. Fox will have his revenge for killing his royal family and his villagers, but first, he will grab his father's sword and packed some things to start a new adventure.

 His Quest to avenge his Royal Family and his people 

Before going to the autonomous city, first, he will go to the Dojo in Kyoto for his uncle's sensei, he could be the one who has answers that someone who could been hiring those bandits or criminals that he wanted to avenge his royal family and his friends around the village. At first glance, he saw Sensei training their students to become a ninja, so he rush to Sensei and gives the messages about his uncle regarding due to the attacks around the village, the sensei realize that he has a connection to his uncle and his father. The sensei told Fox to come with him, in a quiet tea room, sensei said the his father and his uncle fought in the Great World War against the soldats, soldiers, and even mercenaries in Mongolia, he didn't know that his father and his uncle maybe related to them, Fox wanted to asked a question to sensei about who send a mercenaries to attack his village. He would be frank that the Daimyo of the Nakagawa Clan could be after the village and send some mercenaries to destroy it; after the war, he offered to his father about the renovation of Mitagawa village and offer some technologies to the people who are very needed to their own safety, but his father refuse to have technology in his village, and decline. However, the Daimyo is very furious, and so he has a plan to destroy the village by sending mercenaries to attack the village and kill all his royal family and his friends with him.

Fox was very shocked at the moment, and he would offer to sensei to teach him the art of ninjutsu. Sensei would agree that he can teach ninjutsu. And so on, Fox continues to study and master the arts of Ninjutsu, he also making new friends just like every yokai mythologies that his mother told him the whole stories about it's origins, and even rivals that he can always compete to each other to be the best of the best. After all the training pays off, Sensei called him for a minute, and he told that his royal family has magical powers, and he was very confused that his family didn't know about they have magical powers that much. He asked about the Kitsune Clan was interested on magic like Fox-Fire Manipulation, Illusion Manipulation, and even more, Fox would like to master it all, and his sensei told him to keep your cool. And so, Fox continues his training on doing magic by concentrating and focusing, charging his mana and chi, and even Ninjutsu too, and he would bow to sensei and his friends because he was about to leave and get his vengeance for his royal family and his friends.

In the Nakagawa Castle at the Hyōgo Prefecture, Fox will go quietly without the guards by going through the shadows, he reaches the window inside of the castle. Then, he went to the floor levels by using his shuriken to turn off the laterns around the hallways so that the guards won't notice an intruder, and he made to the Daimyo's Master Bedroom, he breathes in and out, and then he holds his throat by getting close to his Father's Sword. He told the Daimyo that why did he sends some goons to attack his village; he would told that he wanted to make a better future for the whole yokais, but they also refused so he send the whole goons to eliminate the whole villages around in Japan. Fox slits the Daimyo's throat with anger, and puts him down out of his misery. He began by exit the castle through the window quietly, and it was over, his parents and his people were avenged. And so on, he would have a fresh start in Imitaku City for now on.

 Starting a City Life 

Finding a City Life was very too hard for Fox because he needs to earn some money, suddenly, a fixer wanted to tell a job for him; he told him what job for him to do something for Fox, and he told to deliver the latest clothing designed by the famous fashion designer for the fashion show. And he refuses but the fixer begs that he will give ¥900,000, however, the deal wasn't enough so he wanted to be higher, and he tells him that 1 million Yen is enough for him and it's a deal. He told a fair warning about the Yakuzas in town, they are trying to stole something around, he rode a rental van, and goes to the fashion show, when suddenly, a bunch of yakuzas chasing on him, Fox uses his Fox-Fire to hit the tire of the vip cars and then bang! The Yakuzas got severely injured due to the car crash. He also made it to the fashion show just in time, the fashion designer rushed to the van and opens the back of the van, suddenly, she shakes his hands and thank him for not damaging the goods. The fixer impressed a job well done, he gave a 1 million yens, and a bonus for not damaging the goods. The fashion designer needs his help for fix the clothes, and he accepted; he bowed to fixer, and goes to the dressing room for fixing the clothing, and make sure it will be tidy clean, Fox told the fashion designer that what job did she take on, and she said that every designer also have their creativity for their own culture and desires including in education, he thanks her, went to library to learn more about fashion design; but being a Mercenary and Fashion Designer won't be easy, so he can do both.

He went countless of jobs from fixers in the club, making concept and some clothing for the fashion show, and even rent the apartment in the megabuilding. Although he needs to do something like buying a car, since he is a kid, he saw some new flashy cars around the city. So he went to the Japanese Car Auctions to buy a new car, and he chooses the Light Gray Impreza WRX S203. He drove the car to the highways from Kyoto to Osaka, challenge a few rookies from the parking lot by earning money, buying a new home and a new garage around Imitaku City, tune his Impreza WRX S203, and even do things that he would do for his life being doing the right thing on his own path.

In his recent job, Fox got a call, and it was a fixer; he told that he need a prototype weapon that was inside of the lab in the Chiba-Koizumi Industries HQ in Imitaku City. And he accepted the job, he went to the lab quietly unnoticed until he saw a prototype sneaker that was made by Fujitenko Clothing Apparel, so he had no choice to snatch it swiftly, but suddenly, a group of mercenaries were attacking the guards around the lab, he move quickly to the prototype weapon before they get their hands on it. However, he got surrounded by a group of guards, instead he uses the prototype shoes to out maneuver the guards and simply snatch the prototype katana with the scabbard on called HF Kurama that was made by the Iga-Koga Industries from the back of the trailer, and he uses smokebombs to make sure the guards won't seeing him. After the job, he gave the prototype weapon to the fixer, and received a big reward with such amount of yens, and so on, Fox begins tuning his Impreza WRX S203; to make it faster and lighter as a feather, and Tuning Shop Fox was born, life maybe hard for him but he can still adapt every environment in his surroundings.

I'll see what I can do here, whether it could work something out or not.

Fox_Eye is a Mercenary who owns a tuning shop for Japanese tuners called Tuning Shop Fox and used to be a fashion designer doing some concept clothes and shoes. He dislikes corporats that are very greedy and tried to have a deal with him because he knows that they are bribing the mafias, cartels, and yakuzas. He does some solo operations like shutting down criminal activities, tying down high-profit criminals, and earning more money from fixers to pay rent and electricity. Rarely does someone waste energy a thousand times. He doesn't take jobs from any fixers who are very sinister and evil, and when he doesn't have any jobs to do, he can also tune cars, draw some concept clothing for the deadline of the upcoming fashion show, or try to do some grocery shopping. Fox has the ability to use Fox-Fire Manipulation, Illusion Manipulation, and ninjutsu if you don't want to mess with him. And also, he doesn't like to add cybernetics or robotic enhancements because he got his magical powers from his royal family.