


8 years, 9 months ago



Female | 19 | Bookmarked [Swan Maiden]

Birthday March 4th 
Height 5'5 ft
Alignment Lawful Good


Charming's only friend. She hangs out around his kingdom and pays  him  visits from time to time to keep him company while he’s stuck with princely duties. She may be the only one who sees him not smile  all the time.  She doesn’t like Charming’s habits of provoking Jack and  tries to teach him not to be such a jerk. 


Anatina is a very empathetic person, always willing to lend an ear to someone's plight. She believes kindness is the most powerful thing in the world. Although she doesn't like it when people are mean to one another, she tries her best to understand why and tries to make them do doesn't always work though. 


 Ironically, Anatina doesn't like to talk about herself very much. All that is known is that she was born in one of the largest and most crystalline lakes in Olim which was home to many other Snow Maidens. Since day one, she struggled with fitting in. Dance practice was difficult, with mistakes often being made. Transformation was a stumbling block where she'd sometimes change partially or at inappropriate times. Although many of the swans around her remained patient, Anatina would always feel like a bother. Things got a wee bit better for her but not enough for her to remain at the lake. Eventually-she decided to leave to find a place where she felt she better fit in. After transforming and flying for a bit, she winded up stumbling upon Charming. 

Well...actually it was more like crashing into Charming. Poor Anatina never truly got the hang of her flying lessons. 

Thankfully, the young prince wasn't upset and even helped her recover from her broken wing (later discovered to be a broken arm when she transformed into a human). From then on, the two became close friends. Anatina, while clumsy back home, seemed like grace itself to Charming and Charming, who would often be forced to interact with the friends handpicked by his father, had his first genuine pal. The fact she could just transform into a swan and blend in with the birds outside made it even easier for their friendship to flourish without Charming's father knowing. 

Of course, the time came where it was becoming more and more difficult to hide her from his father, so the two came up with a big elaborate scheme where Anatina would lie about her actual identity-pretending to be a princess from a far away land. 

Neither of them are very sure if Charming's father fell for it but he allowed the two to continue to hang out together so they didn't question it. 

Powers and Abilities

 Being a swan maiden, Anatina can shift between her human form and swan form with the help of the jar of lake water around her neck. 
Bookmarked Basics People that are bookmarked have the ability to regenerate from injuries, see magical things others normally cannot, and wield a Märchen. They cannot be killed unless it's by heartbreak or another bookmarked's Märchen.
  •  Anatina is bookmarked with Swan Lake

Jar A small jar that dangles around her neck allows her to transform between her swan form and her human form. 


  • Is a fan of ballet.


  •  -Insert some OOC information here