✨ Bonk ✨



2 years, 6 months ago


Name: Bonk

Gender: Female

Species: Morelull/Hatenna

Type: Psychic/Fairy

Personality: Headstrong, strong-headed, hits you in your knees with her head

Description: Bonk is telepathic, but not in the way you think: due to her Hatenna side, she can sense the 'vibes' that other Pokemon give off (good vibes, bad vibes, weird vibes). Each vibe has a different color, and the stronger the vibe the more vivid the color is. And if she does not like your vibe? She will 'vibe check' you. This is done by smashing herself straight into the nearest leg she can. If she's around vibes she doesn't like for too long, she starts getting sick and sad, not bonking, so please vibe well around her man

That's about it man she just likes to bonk that's literally her whole thing she just bonk, and try to get people to be not bad vibes around her. It's all she's asking for!!! Just vibe!!! Okay!!!!!

Oh also if you have good vibes she likes to snuggle, she is soft like a cat and smells slightly of uncooked shiitake mushrooms