
2 years, 8 months ago


Valentine "Val" the Arcanaloth
"The Seeker"

Valentine is the name chosen by an old Arcanaloth, though he typically goes by Val. He owns a magic shop that exists between worlds, opening doorways whereever he'd like to go. He deals in secrets and will trade his magic items for information from anyone he meets. 

Val is also a patron known as The Seeker. He collects potentially world threatening items, something he employs people to collect for him, usually his warlocks. When his warlocks die, part of their contract is they are bound to his magic shop in the afterlife. Particularly powerful warlocks get conscripted into his special guard known as the "Comedia Del Arte", each member given a mask and new identity to match the traditional characters. 

Val's normal form is that of a regular arcanaloth- canine in nature, with the appearance of an old coyote, just anthro. However, he is able to shapeshift to any form he wishes, and often chooses a middle aged man with coyote ears. He finds it puts people more at ease. Val is a powerful magic user, as one would expect a patron to be. However, he has sworn a sacred oath to remain neutral in any conflict. He typically uses his warlocks to circumvent this.