Lugo Deero



2 years, 6 months ago


wip for a character in a CoC game im doing its only two sessions in so thats why theres not much as of now and ill be writing stuff while more stuff happens but heres what i got for now

Personal desc: i was always trouble and paranoid a bit too much. it comes to haunt me really, with everything i do you can see why but i try at least a bit to keep up something whether you call it a facade is up to you. how long i can keep it up as of now only times gonna tell

occupation:  Forensic Surgeon

Ideology: i wish i knew i try to get by i can, i go continue on as a cowardice. regret and mistakes can fill someone to try and get better but its slowly leading me to possible destruction

Significant People: carter sierra - surgeon that taught him the works. paula huggons - long time friend and owner of the lavender shoal cafe. lesnah - assistant from the old place he worked at

Treasured Possessions: locket with a partially faded family portrait, journal, pocket watch

Traits: 1000 long yard soul piercing stare near owl like, quick fuse, habit of going quiet for a bit then go on a long convo slightly unprompted, if in a bad emotional or mental spot will start to dress more messily

Meaningful Locations: old abandoned library, lavender shoal cafe, the morgue, and the old park

Phobias & Manias: Enosimania Drapetomania Daemonophobia

Possessions: scalpel, medkit, lab coat with the gloves AND GOGGLES, syringe, flashlight, locket, journal with pen, pocket watch, Corbits journal 1 and 2