


6 years, 8 months ago


Zennie the Matcha Leech




Species Leech Monster
Rarity Common Myth
Gender A fluffy boi
Obtained by Gifted
Designer SketchyBurgerKing
Masterlist Number G-453

Personality and Story

Sketchy Log

Zen was the first Leech I had ever known and owned. Belonging to my late grandfather, Zennie is a lazy leech that acts more like a cat than anything while being the size of a dog. Poppa told me he found him when he was in Fiji with grandma and my mother, all locked up and shaved down with disgusting brown colors to show he was being neglected and abused. Shocked, Poppa had him released when he kicked open a cage lock for a bigger, more angrier leech that caused chaos. To this day he was never charged as the culprit for that chaos because they never found him.

Zen was part of my inheritence, seeing he lived longer than my poppa. He knows whats safe, whats not safe, wher the good sun spots were and helps guide new leeches around the property so they dont get lost or hurt themself. If anything he acts like a sheep dog at times to help me round up the leeches if the weather gets too rough or to round up the luxuries for medicine time xD

Zen's POV

Donec vulputate vitae nisi vitae blandit. Nulla eu justo vitae arcu finibus euismod a at erat. Ut imperdiet ante ut mi sagittis, eu feugiat velit porttitor. Vivamus semper libero sed neque venenatis, in placerat tortor aliquam. Nullam tempus urna eu diam dictum condimentum. In auctor vehicula ex, in scelerisque lacus bibendum bibendum. Nam volutpat, nulla nec semper euismod, justo metus interdum odio, non iaculis felis elit vitae ante. Donec eget venenatis nibh. Morbi eleifend vehicula odio, sed tincidunt nunc eleifend at. Aliquam fringilla orci nunc, non condimentum tortor lobortis condimentum. Nunc et metus in nisi viverra porttitor et ac tellus. Nullam pellentesque enim est, nec egestas est blandit condimentum. Mauris posuere urna tristique mollis molestie. Proin dictum lacinia finibus. Nulla consequat justo sit amet felis tristique, quis feugiat mauris porttitor. Praesent facilisis mi in lectus euismod ornare. Quisque interdum lacus velit, eu posuere mi vestibulum eget. Aenean eget diam eu erat varius placerat eu sed libero. Sed erat tellus, feugiat ac euismod fermentum, porta ut mauris. Vivamus eu ligula purus. Nam id consectetur justo, at tempor neque. Phasellus diam sem, dictum ac varius blandit, congue ac neque. In gravida purus non nunc porttitor, ut tempor est porta. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla facilisi. Vivamus pulvinar magna sed dui ultricies, eget lacinia metus semper.



  • Brushies
  • Sunbathing
  • Ear Scritches
  • Relaxing near the river


  • Hot Weather
  • Knots in his fur
  • Being shaved
  • Getting Spooked


  • Cub Ears
  • Mammalian Eyes
  • Collar Neck
  • Split End Tail
  • Fur body
  • Bump feelers (Whiskers)
  • Gills/Pores
  • Grabber Claws
  • Sensory Pores