Verosi Darion(Natalia Kinsley)



6 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Real Name

Verosi Darion

Current Alias

Natalia Kinsley








Con Artist (currently, a "street urchin" running a petty crime ring)


DJevLH7X0AMKh6X.jpg:largeVerosi's early life was filled with talks of destiny and power. She is the youngest child of Alana and Saiph Darion, a noble family of Aasimar known in their city as philanthropists and protectors of the innocent. Behind closed doors, however, they are quiet...strict. Each of their 7 children was given no choice in their lifestyle. They were to train in the magical arts, embrace their heritage, and continue on the family tradition in order to keep their status and wealth. Some who knew the two of them more closely wondered if they really cared about the people they protected, or if they only cared about their own image. The family lived a life of luxury, occasionally a child would decide to leave the family, but the majority of them stayed and "protected" their city for generations.

Verosi didn't mind learning the magical arts, or about her heritage, or even the tattoos she was forced to get as a young teenager to signify her status. What she did mind was the lack of choice. For a girl as rich as her, she should have had everything in the world, but all she had was studying and isolation. Her family was snobby, (as was she, being raised by them), and she didn't have a clue how the outside world worked at all. She was spoiled, and bratty, and demanded anything she wanted, but her parents refused until she showed signs of her powers. That was the be all end all of Darion children. How powerful were they? What did their innate spirit guide tell them to do? Some Aasimar didn't much care about their heritage, but the Darion family was sure to always keep their bloodline pure, only marrying other noble Aasimar families.

Regardless of their efforts, technically the divine percentage got lower every generation, but this didn't worry them. The majority of their children were quite powerful, and the exceptions were far and few between. Although, they were starting to worry about Verosi. She was well into her early teens, and she had received no sign of her spirit guide. No voices, no impulses or drives to protect, no ability to grow wings. Her parents, instead of worrying, scorned her and punished her for being a failure to the family name. They grew distant and cold, and did not treat her like the rest of her siblings, stating she could resume a comfortable life when her powers arrived. Years came and went, and though her powers did show, they didn't manifest the way anyone expected. Her abusive home situation led her protector like instincts to tell her to protect herself, rather than others. She grew a tough shell under the guidance of this voice, and became angry and resentful. As a protector Aasimar, she naturally had a drive to protect the weak. In this case, she was the most vulnerable.

She didn't know that her powers had manifested, at least, not at first, but by the time she did it was far too late and her parents likely wouldn't accept it anyway. She was cast out, a black mark on the family name, a Darion no longer. Verosi knew that this had happened to members of her family in the past, but even through all the abuse she endured she never believed it would happen to her. She was hurt, she was angry, and she was scared. Her outer shell grew stronger until it was really just a part of her disposition. Her main personality traits became sarcasm, impatience, and defensiveness throughout the years. Shortly after being cast out she found refuge in a local crime ring, where she swore off magic and trained to become a fighter. She practiced the arts of deception, and began moving between cities in order to escape capture once her con was found out. She masqueraded as a noble, a street urchin, a merchant, and everything in between, eventually settling in Neverwinter for an extended period of time. She became the leader of a pick-pocketing circle, teaching them more clever ways to distract and scam people in exchange for a portion of their wealth. In Neverwinter, she chose the name Natalia Kinsley, and often masqueraded as a young beggar mother only trying to feed her children (played by other members of her circle). She and her followers became quite wealthy this way, and the "Kinsley family" became a name known in the lower status portions of the large city. There were enough tourists and oblivious rich people for them to still flourish, and this has remained her occupation for around 2 years before the campaign starts.