free's Comments

a litle friend,, Jarry are they actually free? i do have some ideas for them nehehe

i can also just offer somethin

HI!! sorry for not seeing this sooner, im never active on this acc I GOT THEM FOR FREE THEYRE NOT ACTUALLY FREE
i could consider offers 4 sure but im kinda tent since this is the only design i have from my friend

uhhhm i could offer another character then!!

like., someone here

hey! i cant see like. any of your characters at all so i cant rlly pick one i like, :[

OH UHMM, i dunno why you cant- uhhh, r u sure ?

i checked on my alt and everything's fine

I could access them by like... looking into ur folders but the tag you sent doesn't work at all for me X[ im not sure why, thats rlly odd??

1 Replies

KittKattea could i claim em :0c

THEYRE NOT ACTUALLY FREE i forgot to change the name SORRY

thats okayy!! would you take art for them?

perhaps? send examples ill have to think about it because i did actually get them 4 free

ill def consider!! tysm for the offer ^^

1 Replies