Monsoon's Comments

If this oc is ufo I would love to offer on them!!

Oh gosh they’re not ufo but I wouldn’t mind looking at an offer or two, but I’ll be mighty picky!

Oooh I understand!! What would you be looking for the most? [Money, trades, art]

Oh gosh I’d be most interested in trades/art or mixed offers!! I wouldn’t resell this darling but I would consider a voucher!

Oh? A voucher for how much and what/who?

Oooo I’m not sure, I don’t have any specific number in mind!!  There’s a few things I have my eye on but I’d generally consider anything!

2 Replies

Reminds me of one of my favorite songs, I think you'll like it: 
"Monsoon," by Tokio Hotel.

I think a name like Cactus would suit this bean

Anddddd I'm making fanart.

Kenna your characters are too gorgeous, I swear!

this has nothing to do with anything but when i first glanced at the description my eyes fooled me into thinking i read "boner mix" and i feel you should know

Holds hands out.


This character is a goddamn gorgeous!

This character is a goddamn gorgeous!

This character is a goddamn gorgeous!

I looked. I saw. I named it Denora