
2 years, 8 months ago


Name: Aya

Meaning: "to fly swiftly" (Hebrew)

Species: Kuruka

Role: Intern at the temple

Physical traits: Smooth nutmeg skin and wavy hair like rich chocolate, her golden eyes exude warmth and friendliness. She looks happy and joyful.

Personality: Just about as cheerful as a person can be, she finds the silver lining to any problem, and she's extremely empathetic. When she does cry, it comes out in torrents, but after a good cry she feels better. She's creative and has good ideas, even if they aren't always plausible. She gets excited easily and wants to share everything that makes her happy with everyone else. The best thing in life is making other people smile.

Abilities: Cheering people up, finding creative solutions to problems, talking for several minutes non-stop, lighting up a room just by walking in, and holding her ground in the face of danger with a smile. If a beam of sunlight were a person, it would be her. 

Weaknesses: She gets nosy when it comes to other people's problems, she always feels the need to fix it and help them cheer up, but sometimes people just want to be left alone.

Backstory: Aya is still in school, but on the weekends she works at the temple as an intern. She mostly does gopher tasks, or simple labor and help, but she doesn't mind. It's the closest she can get to her role model, Priestess Phoenix. She has an eye for fashion, and while she didn't design her temple outfit herself, she did help out and make good suggestions. It was her idea to make a little halo head piece to show that she wasn't an official member of the temple, just a student helping out.