


6 years, 7 months ago



An outcast from the demonic realm that is trying to take care of herself in the human world. 
She works at a local second-hand stuff store trying to pay for her living expenses. Doesn't really know how to act that well around humans. 
Even though social interactions don't go that well she is still trying to get better at them.

Has the ability to control lightning with her claws. During day-to-day life, she hides her horns, claws and tail to blend in.
Can change into her full demon form at will but rarely does so as there is no need for it in the human world.

Same universe as Locke, Brig, Brag, Brog and Luzen.

Name: Sanety
Gender: Female
Age: 23 
Height: 1,59M (without Horns) 1,65M (without Horns) in demon form.
General Personality: Not that great at being social, Gets anoyed/angry really easy, Tired most of the time, Stubborn, Sarcastic
Personality towards Friends: Loyal, Caring, Protective, 
Likes: Dorito's, Being creative, Music, Videogames, Binging stuff on Netflix, Puns, Animals, Her few friends.
Dislikes: People shouting at her, People telling lies, Betrayal, Having to get out of bed, Coffee, Mushrooms, Dogs.
Family: None. Even though she had a familly before turning into a demon she considders them no longer to be her family.
Sexuality: Panromantic Asexual