
Doodle the Silly Creature
Age Huh whuh
Height 1'3" (38.1 cm)
Gender Silly (Any Pronouns)
Orientation Stop it
Race/Species Bong Critter
Worth ~$10 (Bought for $8)

Scampering Around

Jumping!! Running!!

Music :))

Being a Goober

Being Touched :(

Loud Noises & Yelling

Having to Sit Still

They Like Everything Else :)

Silly . Goober . What

Everyone say hi Doodle I'll go first hi Doodle <3 Doodle is a silly thing. Just a goofy little guy. A critter, if you will.. nobody is really sure where exactly Doodle came from, how he even exists or what he is, but he is here and is the definition of the silliest little guy ever of all time. He scampers around everywhere at top speed and is very easily excitable, generally just loving to constantly move around, explore, take naps(?) and then do it all over again. Seems like they can somehow travel through dimensions and appear anywhere they like, and no matter where they are they always have a very strange 2D appearance or a very low-resolution, low-poly 3D one. How does that work? Who knows! His eyes are googly eyes, so can he see? Nobody knows! Can they even understand speech? It seems like it, but who's to say for sure? What even is his anatomy? How is he able to jump around like that and go uninjured even when jumping off of skyscrapers? Does it even matter? Not really! That is a critter, and a silly one at that. You should click on his theme it'll give you a really good idea of exactly what his Vibes are :)))

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