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Epic quote time.

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Sirenia, the great kingdom which rests on the back of a giant, floating manatee is full of spiraling towers, clusters of villages and at the center, the Eberhart family castle. The king, Velon Eberhart, rules his people gallantly along side his wife, Queen Aenna Eberhart. Together they produced 8 children, or at least, that is what they wanted the public to perceive. In reality their family had many skeletons in their closet, skeletons that in their eyes would never see the light of day. Or so they hoped. It was a bright, shining day their youngest son arrived into the King and Queen's lives. The blue-skinned prince frumbled and twisted against his mothers arms, reaching out with a cry for his father. Aenna stared down at her son, making no effort to comfort him. "Aenna..." Velon hesitantly spoke up, watching as his wife blankly stared down at the baby. No words. Only further crying from the new prince. This would be the beginning of his royal legacy.


Prince Jekulaz grew up studying each of his siblings and parents way of presenting, being told to not speak out of turn and to keep a straight posture at all times. He grew to despise it, the way of royal life. The obligation to keep your thoughts to yourself and be wary of who could be watching at all times. Tired he was of his parents scolding him for acting the slightest bit like an average demon on the streets of Sirenia. Never was he allowed in important affairs like his siblings, seen as too young, eventually he gave up. Settling for sitting at the tables of boring dinners as his parents talked their ears off, settling for the secrecy being withheld from him. And once his parents had enough of eachother, he settled for never knowing the real reason why. His escape came in the form of the dark, inviting nighttime streets. Only then, could he escape off to have a moment of enjoyment, amongst partygoers and drunken demons. And at morning light, the cycle would repeat.


Jekulaz squeezed his body through his bedroom window, sliding down the castle roof and landing below out of sight as he had done 100 times before. He brushed himself off, and escaped into the night. Loud bumping music filled his ears as pink and blue lights flashed across crowd of people dancing along to the beat. He sat himself down at his usual seat, second to last on the very right of the bar. Ordering himself a drink to start off the night strong he sat back and watch as the strangers ahead of him continued bouncing to the beat. A purple-skinned tiefling caught his eye, as did he hers. She beckoned him with one enticing finger. He began to peel himself off of his seat when he was abrubtly stopped by the hand of someone gently gripping his arm. He turned on instinct, meeting the gaze of a masked man. He pulled his arm back, the masked man expressing his apology and inviting him to sit back down again, they had much to discuss. Jekulaz doesnt remember much from that night, bits and pieces as his drink began to take effect. The masked man handed him a card, only a few words are written on the front in a language he doesn't understand. The masked man tells him that is how he must contact him. He will need it soon, as his family is about to crumble. Jekulaz, too drunk to really comprehend this information slurs out a couple insults at the man. "your brothers and sisters will meet ill fates, and so will you, if you don't do something before it's too late. we can help." The masked man calmly says. Jekulaz downs the rest of his drink, flips him the middle finger and pushes himself back through the crowd in search of the alluring woman from before.


Jekulaz doesn't remember how he ended up back in his bedroom but the loud, desperate yelling of all 7 of his siblings was enough to jolt him out from his drunken slumber. He stumbled out of bed, opening his door to welcome the new day of exhausting royal duties no doubt. "whats the reason for all this yelling?" he blurted out at his siblings from upstairs. "Jekulaz! Come downstairs quick!" his older sister yelled back. He did as he was told, walking down the spiraling staircase to meet his kin in the common area. His father sat at the table, utter defeat and anguish across his face as his children continued to bicker amongst themselves. "what's the matter?" Jekulaz asked in annoyance. His siblings speak in hurried voices all at once, cauing him to raise his hand immediately. His sister Maevel speaks up, "look, the news." She shoves a newspaper in his hand. It reads, "THE EBERHART ROYAL FAMILY FALLS APART" across the front in big bold letters. The article goes into detail of one after another, each of his siblings are accused of crimes of differing degrees. Jekulaz looks back up with wide eyes, "shit."


With angery citizens protesting outside, legal procedings now taking up the full time of the King and each of his usually busy siblings now on house arrest Jekulaz was thrown into a comepletly different world in the span of one night. Jekulaz slowly opens the door of his father's study, stepping inside only after the king calls him to come closer. King Velon sets down the piles of papers in his hands and looks up at his youngest son, "it's time we had a talk, son." Due to the present situation it is no longer safe for the young prince to stay at the palace, for all they know he could get hurt or even worse, be accused himself of a crime in the coming weeks. Jekulaz begins to retaliate, confused why he needs to leave. King Velon is convinced someone has commited an attack agains their family and needs to know if Jekulaz is really the only one without an accusation against him. Jekulaz pauses, unsure of what he meant by this. His father has already spoken to all of his siblings certainly? As they all live in this castle...right? King Velon averts his gaze, hesitating. A long lost sister, one he has never met or knew the existence of before today. She is out there somehere and it's up to Jekulaz to find her. Jekulaz, shocked and angry at learning he has been lied too his entire life yells at his father. How could he do this? keep this from him? force him now to find her? Time is off essence, the young prince must contact Vidia, a trusted family friend that would be able to help him track down his younger sibling. With no choice but to obey his father, he leaves the palace he's called home all of his life, determined to find out why this is all happen. Who was that masked man? Did he predict this would happen? Or did he cause this? Whatever the case, he would not let his family suffer.


Jekulaz would have traveled to find Vidia, and successfully met with her to further speak about his sister. She in turn would help him find his sister, the first encounter with Inphi did not go as expected. Both siblings, upset they had been lied to, brought out their anger on eachother. They both would grow to resent eachother but ended up agreeing to work for Vidia. For Jekulaz, he wouldn't have much idea of what to do without her, and althouh he wouldn't admit it, he wanted to keep an eye on his sister to make sure nothing happened to her.


  • Prince Jekulaz was born the youngest of his siblings, grew up being treated as the baby and not allowed to join political affairs.
  • Escaped one night to a club, met a mysterious masked man who gave him a card and an omen about his family.
  • Woke up back home to find out all his siblings were accused of crimes.
  • Was sent off to find his half-sister with his fathers friend, Vidia.
  • Found his sister Inphi but they didn't like eachother, now he's agreed to join Vidia so he can keep watch of his sister as well as find a way to help his family back home.
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