


6 years, 9 months ago


*His name is of course a bit of a joke, as the player recognized the inspiration for the setting and called him Mr. Tumnus initially. as far as the current game setting, he accepted that name as he wasn't interested in sharing his real name. The name he gave his mortal form is Eligor, but he goes by whatever he is called. His true devil name is unknown. A devil who has taken the form of a mythic faun on the Material Plane, Tumnaus is a dangerous creature as he is both unpredictable and constantly hungry. His mind is split between his mortal form and his devil form, which causes him a great deal of distress/dysphoria. He is young by devil standards, which lends to his unpredictable moods and actions, as he has a youthful mind and is quickly distracted. Despite his shifting whims, he is no fool. He lives to feed and is an expert lance and spear fighter. He hunts mortals by stealth, sometimes tracking a selected victim for weeks until they are out alone in the icy Northern continent he resides in. Once his target is off by itself, alone in the empty tundra, it's as good as his. He will drag it back to his home in a reclusive forest, where his presence is accepted by an aggresive wind deity who grants him and him alone to live within its realm. He eats his fill, and stores the remains in snowdrifts for days when he is too lazy to hunt again. As he is young, he is also playful and often experiments with mortal society. Hunger will drive him to forget or ignore normal society standards, but when he is fed he loves to peek into mortal life and try different things. This gets him into plenty of interesting situations of all sorts. When he feels he has learned enough or he gets bored, he will enjoy a quick meal and move on. Occasionally he plays around with mortal sexuality. As a devil, he delights in impure actions and feeds on depravity, so he often seeks out 'adventurous' encounters. This can lead him to end up in situations he wasn't quite prepared for. While for the most part, he is capricious and careless, he does have certain goals. He deeply aspires to please his leader, Prince Levistus – it doesn't bother him that Levistus doesn't know (or care) that he as an individual exists. His only source of loyalty is to the Devildom and its rulers. Since Prince Levistus desires to cover the Material Plane worlds with ice, so does Tumnaus. As such, he searches for a way to free the alien power Father Lymic, an other-worldly being who is said to be able to drain the suns of their energy. While he personally doesn't see the intrinsic value of turning the worlds into dead, icy husks, he likes the idea of making mortals suffer as he and other 7th Planar devils have with an eternal winter. And anything that would please Levistus, pleases him too. In this way, he is very servile to Levistus, even though the prince has no idea of his existence and has never passed down orders to seek means to his personal ends. Tumnaus is a distant admirer of the defector, Armand. He doesn't understand why Armand is no longer part of the Devildom, but respects the elder devil nonetheless. Anything that would lead Armand to offer an expression of mutual respect would mean a great deal to Tumnaus - but at best, the other sees him only as a mildly useful underling to further his own interests. He is currently adventuring with the PC, Azoth. Their goals are similar - to free Father Lymic - and Tumnaus rather likes the gruff dwarf.