


8 years, 9 months ago


Very kind and friendly, Kisa lives to cheer people up. She is always willing to listen to people's problems and she strongly believes that sometimes, all you need is a warm hug and a shoulder to cry on to help you feel better. Her tolerence for B.S. is so high, even Kovit wonders what's wrong with her. 

Kisa lives on her own in a 1 bedroom apartment, and she has a lovely collection of plants around the house that she waters and cares for carefully. She hails from the Appalachian Mountains in the Eastern US, though she never traveled too far up the ranges. She moved into the nearest city after she became of age, though she enjoys traveling quite a bit.

Her backstory is pretty simple: She was born of the spirit of an Oak tree, and is essentially a fairy. She has no parents or siblings, and she dearly wants to know what it's like to have a family like humans do. She is very caring, which stems from the nature of her tree. Her tree is a habitat of many animals, and they rely on it for shelter. She wants to care for others the way her tree cares for animals.

She is not reliant on her tree to stay alive, but she feels a connection to it at all times.

Her colors are darker than depicted, and she doesn't have wings.