Karla's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

SlasherFilm Global Rules

I do not revoke designs. All I ask is that you please respect my boundaries! I block freely!

Once the design is yours you may..

- Redesign them however you want

- Trade or sell them with or without additional art

- Throw them into gifting games, shelters, or turn them into raffles

You may NOT...

- Remove my credentials or credit yourself as the design’s creator 

- Use my designs for hate or discriminatory content

- Use my designs to promote zoophilic or pedophilic ideas, flags, attractions, etc. 

- Trade or sell dollmaker characters without extra art

- Delete my work, the only exception to this is if the character is made using a dollmaker

- Send my designs to folks on my blacklist with the intention of bypassing that block

Additional Notes:

- I do not care if you use my designs for NSFW artwork, but if you plan to use my designs for taboo content (ex. underage, cub, feral), please remove my credit as I do not want my name attached to that kind of material. If I end up seeing it I will end up reporting it.