


8 years, 10 months ago


Description: He is around 6'ft 2.8in, broad in the shoulders and has well toned muscles in his arms and legs, with a lean torso.

Personality: Jack is mostly seen as: standoffish, rude, and stubborn. He is by no means a social butterfly, and does not enjoy the company of others. Unless of course he happens to be attracted/ falls in love with/ or becomes close buds with them. Jack hates being wrong and believes he is in the right all the time. He is even willing to fight for what he feels is correct in his own views. Jack is quite difficult to persuade and absolutely does not do shit for anyone. He is very against teaming up and being ordered around by someone. Unless is way stronger, or higher ranked than him. 


  •  A few positive aspects of him are that: He is not shy, he will speak but that is only if he wants to, or if he is being ordered to by someone superior. He is fearless ( to most things), brave, and will stand up for him self if needed.


"Quotes":  Unless you have something to say, don't look at me!”



+ Fitness

+ Seafood & Spicy food

+ Getting paid 

+ Doing whatever he wants


○ - Being broke 

○ - Being ordered around (by those who he believes are lower than him)

○ - Being wrong

○ - The cold / Winter

○ - Being touched on the job unless you're handing him money lmao  

Sexual Orientation: Demisexual 



In the earlier years of his life, Jack was raised along by a strict and overbearing mother.  Who wanted her son to take the same path of life as her, and not for him to end up like his father. Who in turn was : A carefree, uneducated, deadbeat.  Who abandoned them both.  

Jack's mother became a leader of a special ops - air force team.  Who was occasionally sent off on dangerous missions.  So Jack was left in care of a mentor, while she was not around.   The mentor was under precise instructions to educate  Jack ;  in the ways of combat, and life skills.  He was later on, then sent to a military school.

About three years in, his mother had failed to make it back from a mission, and was written off M.I.A.  

Despite his mothers goals for him,  Jack had no desire to walk in his mothers footsteps,  so after finishing up military academy.  He left and set off to find his own path in life.  

For a couple of years, he worked as a bounty hunter.   One day while on the job, one of his targets managed to get the better of him in a struggle, and almost took his life.   To his luck though, as citizen came to his aid.    While happenstance of meagerly just passing by while on his way to work.  

Feeling indebted, as well as not really caring so much for his current employment. Jack left and started working for the guy.   Who turned out to be a popular head chef and owner of a particular small restaurant. 

  He has Jack go out on delivery runs for him.