


8 years, 10 months ago




plant manipulator

oseye oja | plant manip
female | she/her | 41yo | mutant
6'1 | fit | hetero | divorced






NOT A MAIN CHARACTER PROBABLY!! oseye is something like a celebrity among mutants; a model who developed mutations after her career began. as a successful model, oseye was making a fair amount of money and gaining popularity, but the stress of her career eventually caused her mutation to occur. when it did, she quickly disappeared from the world of fashion and modelling, and isolated herself away from the public eye, ashamed of what she had become.

she married a man and had two children--everett and silas. the marriage didn't last, and the two got divorced, sharing the kids with relative ease.

despite enjoying the quietness of her life as it was, oseye slowly learned to accept herself for who she was, and eventually found her way back into the public eye. making statements about mutant pride and body positivity--both to mutants and humans who had unseemly conditions--she soared into public opinion. she is an activist in the mutant community advocating for mutant rights and equal treatment for mutant and human alike. though she isn't quite a household name, dryad is fairly well known amongst mutants.


she can control plants
she can probably photosynthesyze a bit
the skin that is covered in bark is kinda like an armor? it might react and cover skin to protect her


  • practiced xylomancy in her youth
  • has/had a tattoo of an eye on her neck, which is now permanently covered by her bark skin; the bark there portrays a nock, meant to be similar to the eye that she once had
  • rather hard on her sons but wants them to succeed