Sakura Aiuchi





Sakura Aiuchi
Half Human/Half Cursed Spirit | 15 | Female


Sakura Aiuchi used to live with her stepmother and father near a hospital, causing cursed spirits to roam around the neighborhood. Sakura is half human/half cursed spirit as a cursed spirit damaged her mother's pregnancy, causing her to die while giving birth to Sakura. Because of this, she’s not allowed to know about her mother. However, she’s not a relative to Choso in any sort of way. Her father was a scientist and wanted to get rid of the cursed spirit inside of Sakura to make her just human, but due to all the tremendous pain she had to go through, she started to fear her father. The experiments Sakura had to go through caused her bruises and even memory loss at a young age, but there was no progress in making her fully human. Sakura was already a relatively quiet girl and never considered seeking out help. When she was 11, she started to dislike her stepmother every day for not stopping her father and just watching her go through all that pain. Eventually, Sakura just had enough and decided to escape for her good. She knew that it would be bad to go during nighttime due to bad people and cursed spirits, but she had no other choice if she wanted to escape. As she grabbed her little backpack and started running, she ran far and far as she could. She didn’t know where to go, but she tried to go to the city to stay there for a bit. On her way there, she was attacked by a cursed spirit. The cursed spirit was practically trying to kill Sakura at this point, but luckily, a Jujutsu Sorcerer came to save her. After exorcising the cursed spirit, the sorcerer took Sakura to safety and cleaned up her wounds. The sorcerer was revealed to be Kento Nanami and decided to comfort Sakura for a while. Once Nanami asked Sakura where she’d live, she begged him not to take her home due to the horrible experiments she had to go through. Nanami felt bad for the child, thinking that she didn’t have to go through all of that. Although she was half human and half cursed spirit, he loved her dearly like-father-and-daughter. As Nanami raised her, he taught her education, how to take of herself, and her cursed technique as well. Sakura looked at herself in the mirror after she was done training, and she decided that she would make her cursed energy based on mirrors to reflect the pain she’s gone through on her enemy’s. Sakura was already timid but had trouble focusing on one particular thing, thus being said she developed ADHD at 13. When Sakura turned 15, she was ready to join Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College


Cute things in general, Metal genres, true crime, fashion, watching people fall, saying “your mom” 24/7, nostalgic things, screaming to lyrics


Insects, math, sound of dying birds, the thought of dying alone, some pop/modern music, some games (She’s really bad in general tbh), itchy clothing


GoreCore, Mirrors (is that a thing), CuteCore


Sakura is described to be naturally shy and timid at first, but once she finds the right person to be around with, she opens up to be more air headed and a hopeless romantic.
