Jonah Oswell



6 years, 8 months ago



"I can’t help it! Trouble usually finds me!"


Name: Jonah Blake | Gender: Male | Age: 13   | Species: Raccoon| Sexuality: Straight   | Status: Single

4805192_czDoXCx9a1fSYZv.pngPersonality: Jonah is a complete disaster. He’s hyperactive and extremely fun. He’s always moving and always excited about anything, no matter what. He has a jittery speech, due to his hyperactivity and tics. He talks way too fast, it’s a little hard to understand him. He is full of mischief, and can also be somewhat devious. Always looking for trouble, (or more like trouble is always looking for him) he’s very often involved in fights, or pretty much the cause of one. Jonah can be pretty annoying, due to his tendency to repeat the words and phrases of other’s. He also enjoys bugging people, and will keep on trying to get on their nerves until he succeeds. He can pretty much get along with everyone, and is pretty friendly towards strangers. Unlike the rest of his friends, he’s completely extroverted and loves noise.

Personal Info: Jonah met his group of friends 2 years ago, when he was “the new kid”. Despite his strongest efforts to fit in, he couldn’t, due to unintentionally annoying everyone he talked to. In a fight he was losing, Germ stepped in quickly, saving Jonah from any more humiliation. He started hanging out with them ever since. He’s grown a stronger bond, however, with Alex. Despite Alex not talking to him for the first 6 months or so, Jonah understood that Alex didn’t like to be taken as some sort of challenge, so he tried to lay low when around him. Alex began to trust him, little by little, enough to one day finally speak to him. Moving on to his family, Jonah has a 7 year-old sister, who is sick with a terminal illness. Whenever he has free time, he’s always with his sister, who is the person he holds most dearly.