


6 years, 8 months ago



"Choose me or your pyre, be mine or you will burn!"

Human (?)
Cisgender Male
40's-50's ??
Organized | Machiavellian | Domineering

A Priest of a peculiar order, with a name most would consider either ironic or ill planned considering his life and service in Priesthood. He is one of vaguely chaotic teachings, interpreting text both old and new in twisted tongues and personal beliefs. He has a iron clawed grip on his flock and those who are drawn in to listen to his preaching. It's said if you listen to him just once you'll never be quite the same, whether that be for better or for worse is seemingly up to you. He is a single man as his beliefs and his own view of devotion to his higher power. Judas is one who stands with evident pride. This paired with his tall stature make him an ironic image of such sin given his occupation. Eyes sharp they are the color of molten honey, calming and relaxed they almost seem to be partially closed in what some could call a lustful or alluring gaze. His hair is dark and both combed and slicked back against his scalp, the ends longer than what most expect as they cover his neck and go past his clerical collar by a few inches.

He is always seen with an overly large golden cross neatly hung around his neck. It is ornate with its engravings and pairs almost identically with that of the silver cross he keeps inside his breast pocket alongside a small travel bible. Unbeknownst to all besides himself the back of his crosses are engraved with words of unholy origin. His hands are always bandaged as they are supposedly burned and any direct contact to the sensitive skin tends to be bothersome. Beneath his coverings and over the flesh of his back he is decorated with unusual tattoos. Some of which seem rather fitting for his job while others would raise a few brows. Between and over his shoulder blades there lays a cross, the tip of it riding along his spine and up his neck. On both sides of the cross and across his shoulder blades and over the back of his arms are tattoos of black and gray wings. The rest of his back is taken up by a large detailed tattoo of the Gates Of Hell, it would appear on closer inspection that it almost seems to move from something just beneath the skin.

  • main_character_by_kittenkinq-dawaegh.png
  • owned_longest_time_by_kittenkinq-dawaeg8owned_longest_time_by_kittenkinq-dawaeg8
  • Self-made
  • Forever homed
  •  $0+
  • Gift art okay
  • NSFW friends only
  • Gore friends only

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