


2 years, 6 months ago


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Name nameless fiend
Called beelzebub
Age >100(looks 19)
Gender female
Height 168 cm
Race lesser demon
Role cult leader
Voice content
Theme Song link


  • popcorn
  • slasher movies/movies in general
  • comic books
  • doing absolutely nothing
  • her current life
  • breakcore music
  • human flesh(pork)
  • F O O D


  • demons and their stupid hierarchy
  • getting up early and just mornings in general
  • paid subscriptions
  • cigarette smell
  • alcohol



Alcohol intolerance

For some reason she can't drink alcohol at all. One sip and she is basically dead.

human sacrifices

The fiend has insatiable hunger which can really be compared to the real Gluttony embodiment, so she demands fresh human meat at least once a day, and her followers are just too young and beautiful to die yet, so they just give her pork(it's alright she has never eaten actual human meat so she can't tell the difference and she is just too dumb to notice)

Scared of her own shadow

She's always been a scaredy cat, but now when she somehow managed to fool everyone in the cult and become their leader she is in a constant state of anxiety and fear awaiting the time when real Beelzebub learns about this whole situation and comes to kill her.

The Lair of World Domination and Human Suffering

The cult resides in an abandoned religious summer camp with their own infrastructure and stuff(pretty neat right?) but the Lord and Savior likes to call it her own Lair of World Domination and Human Suffering everyone thinks the name is stupid but too afraid to said anything. Beelzebub is really proud of herself for coming with such a cool and terryfying name.


A lazy lesser demon. Was bullied constantly by everyone in Hell until she got accidentally summoned by the cult of Beelzebub who didn't even know what their Lord looks like. They shouldn't have used pork as a substitude for human flesh...they aren't the brightest guys, eh?

Daily Routine

Beelzebub starts her day with a bright smile and a loud shout for her morning coffee and a piece of fresh human flesh delivered right into her office which looks more like a nerdy teenager's room than an actual office. Then she goes for a walk around her Lair while pestering the ones unlucky enough to meet her. Usually she just goes straight to the canteen area and tries to steal anything to eat. After raiding the canteen she returns to her office and plays video games or watches movies till she falls asleep. Oh and they sometimes gather at the church where she gives a sermon which is usually just her whining how hungry she is and why she hasn't reached complete world domination yet.



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