




Easy-going beach scavengers



25-30 years

Average Height

1ft at shoulder max

Average Weight

~25 lbs



Location Found



Teekins are native to beaches and frequent shipwrecks, though can wander inland/be found in other areas.


They are significantly intelligent, though they aren't typically quite smart enough to grasp complex mathematics/science, they can function in a rudimentary society.

Group Organization

They are generally social creatures, and even if they are 'on their own' they are typically friendly with other members of their kind and often form little clusters/'cities' of teekin who all share a beach and burrow system/home. 

Hunting & Diet

They are omnivorous, and can eat almost anything as long as its digestible. Their main diet is made up of crabs, mollusks, and other small critters populating the beaches, along with small fish if they can catch them, but they will wander on land to eat plants and other things there. They will eat human food/cooked foods if offered- though as a wild species/in the wild that is of course inaccessible. They have sharp front teeth and can deliver a nasty bite if provoked (but rarely use this unless in defense.) 


Teekin have offspring by magical means, meaning that biological features are irrelevant to their ability to create offspring.

Life Cycle

 Parents have litters between 1-4 Teeklings, (Sometimes called 'pups'). Teeklings are taken care of by their parents, whether its one or both, until they reach adolescence. Teeklings spend their youngest years in the sand, in a burrow made by their parent(s), slowly digging out smaller tunnels as they hunt for tiny crabs, kelp, and critters buried in the sand with them. This keeps them safe from predators on the sands. Once they are big enough to walk safely aboveground, they will typically be on their own. Teekin do have the capacity for complex relationships and developing family units, but it does vary from individual to individual, depending on their own background, their environment, and how well they get along with the offspring/and/or their partners. 


Chima Lou are pretty hearty creatures, so long as their soul gem is protected. The gem is susceptible to damage as reckless as its host is with it. 


They communicate with chirps, squeaks, and small honking sounds or yelps. They can also make a chittering noise when displeased. Though they can understand 'human' language, they don't have the vocal ability to communicate in it themselves very well. (They may manage a few squeaky words, but not to the point of being particularly proficient.

Teekins (Tidal seek kins) are small, beach-dwelling critters that excel at finding shiny things in the sand! Native to a country known as Vawari they idle along the coasts scooping up anything that washes ashore from the local shipwrecks. They are very friendly, often enlisted by the locals to gather supplies and things in exchange for good food or other items for trade! They live in packs and easily form bonds with humans and other species.

They live in burrows at the edges of the sand along the shore, and despite their locale they aren't the best swimmers! They'd rather be digging holes or climbing trees, or wading in the shallows as long as the tides aren't too dangerous. They do fancy playing in tide pools gathered in the rocks.

Their extra limbs give them a great grip and help them dig faster in the sand. Their watery ears, tail, and midsections are magical. They feel like their regular soft fur texture, but have a waterlike and semi-see-through quality. The exact origins of these features are unknown, but some propose it may be vestigial remains of a magical sea beast these critters may have evolved from in the distant past before deciding they liked living on land a little more.

Their smooshy noses are very boopable, thank you, and yes- you can boop the snoots. In fact, they find it quite funny.

Their front four 'paws' are more prehensile than normal paws, acting almost like hands to make it easier to grab and move things.

They have no natural predators along their beaches, so they are a bit naive, and often get themselves into trouble.


Teekins are humble creatures evolved from magical water species, though the exact origins of their evolution are unknown.

Teekins are mammal-like in nature, the bulk of their fur is very smooth and short. They can have longer fur, most notably on their main bodies. This fur helps keep them warm. Their fur is very oily (giving them a smooth texture); as it helps with the dampness/humidity of being near water so much and wading through it. Though they don't traditionally swim very much, as their fur tends to weigh them down, they can often be found wandering in the shallower parts of the ocean. Though they are mammal like, they are still magical creatures and fall into their own category rather than being 'specifically mammal". They hold some odd features such as their water-like elements, and they also have highly extended lifespans compared to typical mammals, easily living for hundreds of years if not harmed or struck with an illness. This is typically attributed to their ability to regulate their bodies beyond what traditional beings are. They can change their internal temperature at will, turn off certain pain or nerve receptors, or even manipulate their body to regenerate wounds or internal organs that have been damaged. This makes them highly resistant to harm and able to repair some effects of aging. They also have the ability to temporarily 'turn off' senses such as smell/taste/ect when necessary. This effect isn't highly documented- as teekins are definitely not smart enough to understand it enough to explain it, but it is fascinating to watch.

Since they have such powerful control over their bodies, it is not unheard of for teekin to sleep for years at a time, if a bad situation has occurred and they would die of starvation/cold/heat/ect otherwise, they can go into hibernation for extended periods of time until the area is safe again. In colder areas, Teekin will often hibernate through the winter.