[Ashuri] Fenrir's Comments

Hello! I'd love to buy him, if he's still available!

aaA he is! please feel free to send a payment through here: https://www.paypal.me/godbirdart/65usd 

i'll leave his current toyhouse profile for you, but if you want to completely rewrite / erase it that's fine too!!


Money sent! Feel free to leave the profile, I'll get to changing it at a later time!

Could you also send a comment to the Ashuri transfer hub, so that I can confirm the change of ownership?

thank you!!

though i am a little confused - he was never part of any closed species masterlist to my knowledge? unless he was listed there and i never was informed when i bought him! i'm gonna crosscheck that now - he's pending transfer your way in the meantime!!

Hmmm might got confused then, I apologize! I thought you confirmed he was an Ashuri, not that he was still open.

It's not an issue though! I'll try to contact the people behind the masterlist and see if he was ever part of the species, if not I'll just see if I can use a slot to make him into one. Regardless, I adore him.

Thank you!!