


2 years, 7 months ago



Called "The Figurine of Snezhnaya"

Gender Female-coded

Pronouns She/Her

Age "Immortal"

Race Puppet/Doll

Role Sandrone's Lady in Waiting

Theme N/A

HTML Pinky


Valentina is an individual of very few words. Often seen as dull and blank by the Harbingers, and downright intimidating to the lower rank Fatui, Valentina merely lives to serve her creator Sandrone, however, she can and has served some of the other Harbingers, including Childe and Dottore. She excels at the orders that are given to her, almost never failing to complete them. No one has ever seen her smile or show much of any emotion for that matter...

She was originally intended to be a replica of Scaramouche in terms of power, but it ultimately failed, however, Sandrone was smitten with her anyway and decided to keep her as a sort of "assistant" or "Lady in Waiting". She often goes to Dottore to see if he can "fix" her in order to please Sandrone, but Dottore can't seem to find the problem with her and more often than not links it to her own emotions, or the lack there of.


Height 5ft 2in

Build Jointed/Short

Eyes Yellow

Skin Tone Light skinned

Hair Color Pink

Hair Style Short Semi-Curly Hair

Demeanor Quiet and Curious

Fun Facts

  • Her Constellation "Ledyanaya Kukla" Translates to "Ice Doll"
  • Her Design was based on an Adoptable I bought a LONG time ago
  • She is one of the only people who remember who Scaramouche was in Sumeru
  • Her Updated design was also based on Herta from Honkai Star-Rail


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious


Like 1

Matryoshka/Nesting Dolls

Like 2


Like 3

Ribbon Dancing is among one of her hobbies

Like 4

Valentina also can Sew clothing


Dislike 1

Failing at Something

Dislike 2

Anything Sandrone Dislikes

Dislike 3

Food of any kind, Valentina does not need to eat and find's the experience uncomfortable

Dislike 4

Being unable to comprehend or put words into her feeling's



Polearm Wielder

Valentina uses a Polearm, using them to preform cryo attacks, her attacks hit hard

Cryo Vision

It was to everyone's surprise to find that a non human entity was able to recieve a vision

Regular E Attack

This Skill allows her to throw Cryo Nesting Dolls that will cause lasting cryo damage

Special Attack

Valentina is able to throw a line of Ice Spikes at the enemy which throws them back and makes a defensive wall


Valentina was created for the purpose of the ongoing "war", however, she fails to live up to her original purpose. She exceeds in showing no emotion, but in terms of power she is just above the average Harbinger.

Story 1: Existence

Upon her inital "birth" or "awkening" she was increaibly curious about her purpose, and the world around her; Sandrone has been increibly patient with her in regards to teaching her things. She is the one who taught Valentina everything she knows like a private tutor would. This lead to Valentina having a certain "grace" and "dignity" to her actions, even though she can't portray feelings. After some time and becoming an official member of the Tsaritsa's Court she starts to become more inquisitive about things, especially pertaining to her purpose. The Tsaritsa used an analogy pertaining to Matryoshka dolls, stating that if she truly wishes to fullfil her purpose she would have to understand her inner "layers" and inner "self" Valentina has been obbessed with collecting and creating Dolls ever since in order to understand people. She even found a way to incorporate them into her combat abilities. Despite her lack of any personality Valentina initially gets along with a majority of the Harbingers aside from Dottore who finds her presence "taxing" and Scaramouche whom finds it hard to understand her "obsession" with him but lets her stay around him anyway. Childe on the other hand likes Valentina since she often gives him praise and gives him her attention, much to Scaramouche's dismay, which is probably why he keeps her around.

Story 2: The Wanderer

Scaramouche, despite his trying to avoid Valentina, has admitted that Valentina's ability to preform orders is second to none and appreiciates that for once that one of his subordinates isn't incompetent. This does, however, lead Scaramouche to try and make her fail on purpose...which he hasn't succeded at, which makes him more frustrated at her.

After Scaramouche's transition into becoming the "Wanderer" Valentina, remarkably remember's who he is, due to the nesting dolls she made of him which Irminsul could not erase and the extensive complexity of her feelings for him. Since then she has kept the secret of his origins to herself upon His request to do so. There may also be a part of Wanderer that wants to save Valentina from the same fate as him when it comes to serving the Fatui.





Closest Friend/Love-Interest

He initially hated her since she was a mock-down of him, but she was very persistant in trying to "befriend" him and since she lacks human emotions he wasn't intimidating to her as he was to his subordinates, so he couldn't shake her off. He eventually comes to terms with her though and he is throughly impressed by her completion record, not that he would ever tell her that, which is why he has tried to get her to fail on more than one occasion. He also seems to take an interest in her finer hobbies such as the ribbon dancing and the sewing. Upon transitioning into Wanderer, and most of his demeanor mellowing out, Wanderer has since been looking for a way to get Valentina away from the Fatui, and her fate...

- "Ahh yes the emotionless puppet. That mock of me has done nothing but annoy me from the very beginning, still her antic's are bearable and her company is acceptable..b-but tell her I said that and I'll bury you 6 feet under!!!" -Wanderer



Her creator and basically her "Mother" Valentina has a HUGE sense of loyalty toward her and wishes to live up to her expectations of what she should be. Sandrone and Valentina often walk together or have tea parties of sorts. Valentina can often be seen trailing her, as if she is a very extension of Sandrone much like the puppet that can be seen carrying Sandrone.


Il Dottore


Valentina has served under him once or twice. To which Dottore has tried various times to tinker and fix her, but has failed to do as she wants. Now he find's her to be more of a nuisance than anything. Wanderer is horrified to think what Dottore may try to do her since he knows what he is capable of.