[ OP ] Eura



2 years, 7 months ago


I'm gonna fuck the skeleton
jk but I'm doing a Brook pairing because he's great

  • Eura Carmine
  • her name is pronounced "Yura" 
  • she hates correcting people when they get her name wrong so she just goes along with anything
  • she's first introduced in the Sabaody Archipelago Arc
  • she would offer to show Brook her panties, but she doesn't wear any so   
  • when she first meets Brook, she wasn't scared by him like Nami was, but rather thinks he's cute and will cradle his skull in her boobas
  • she was a terrible singer before she met Brook, who eventually taught her how to sing and reclaim her voice
  • when she accompanies the Straw Hat Pirates, she'll occasionally sing to Brook's music or duet with him to entertain the others; when she's not singing, she tends to hum
  • I'm undecided if I want her to have a crew or not; might just play around with the idea that she travels a lot and ends up where the Straw Hat Pirates do because plot related things
  • she's a traveling dancer/storyteller; she makes her money by dancing at night and telling her stories to those willing to listen