Kajiya Kishi



6 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Kajiya Kishi






1-B; Hero Course


Blacksmith - any metal she comes in contact with will heat up and bend to her will

Hero Name:

Smelting Hero - Smithee


Winter, Medieval Fantasy, Romance, Building Things, Wearing Cute Clothes


Rainstorms, Showing Skin, Drinks


Panromantic Asexual


Fact: Her body is made up of a fluorescent blue-green plasma, and her clothes and helmet are specially made to contain it. If she removes her helmet or clothes, her plasma will ignite in a bright blue-green flame, (which causes the glow through the bars in her helmet) and if she's particularly angry/upset/determined, it will rage out of control and damage everything around her, regardless of friend or foe.

She inherited her father's quirk, Blacksmith (above), but her plasmic body was formed due to her mother's quirk, Plasma, which caused her mother's stomach acid to turn into hot plasma that she could then vomit onto her enemies (if she had any). Her genetics caused that plasma to become what made up most of her body. When her mother was pregnant with her, her amniotic sac contained her plasmic body, and in order to keep her mother safe, she had to have a delicate Cesarean section to extract the infant Kajiya. While her physical body was unstable, her organs and skeletal structure had been able to form safely, so after a great deal of effort and help from several different support companies, they were able to make a containing footed & hooded onesie for the infant Kajiya that allowed her physical body to stabilize. They also constructed a face mask for her, so she'd be able to see her parents and eat food without having flames from her plasma get in the way. She exchanges this face mask for her helmet as she grows up, because she thinks it's cuter.

Additional Facts:
- She has no teeth, her food is instantly melted in her mouth; she doesn't like drinks, since that causes her plasma to harden
- She only has blood vessels in her torso, to support her organs
- She sleeps in her second skin and helmet, and her sheets are flame resistant
- She's always wanted to try makeup, but it'd just melt off her face