

There was a poor little kitten who was part of her mother's litter that her human didn't want and put outside on the busy sidewalk of a city in a cardboard box with the words "Free Kittens" in black Sharpie on the front of the box. As the days wore on, all of the kitten's littermates were all adopted by humans who thought them cuter than her because they didn't have "creepy" bi-colored eyes. She hated listening to the humans call her a demon she-cat, occassionally some kind person would say that she was a very pretty cat, but they couldn't take her in because they had a dog or their apartment wouldn't let them have pets. Her first rainstorm came and she huddled in the cardboard box as if trying to draw confort from it, but wouldn't leave the box, for she knew it was her only chance of finding a home. As it rained, people rushed by; one, a little girl, accidently kicked the kitten's box as she tried to stay with her parents. The little girl looked down at the kitten and her eyes melted, she reached into the box and lifted the soaking wet kitten out and cradled it in her arms and raced after her parents. She tugged on their sleeves urgently. "Mommy, Daddy! Looky what I found!" She said. "Can I keep her?"

Her parents looked at one another with a look of concern and uncertainty. "Mara sweety, you do realize that this little kitten will need a lot of care and love, don't you?" The little girl's mother said, looking at the kitten she had cradled in her daughter's arms.

"I know Mommy, but she needs a home. I don't mind cleaning her, or picking up after her and all the other dirty work. Please, I promise, I won't ever stop taking care of her." Mara pleaded with her parents. They looked at each other again, examining the other's facial expression to see what their answer was. The father's had consented and the mother finally relented. 

"Alright Mara, but if you don't do as you have promised, this cat will go to a shelter where someone else can have a chance to adopt it and love it better." Her mother told her.

"No one can love her better than me Momma." Mara said, flashing her mother a broad smile.

The kitten purred and snuggled into the little girl's arms. When Mara and her family had arrived home, Mara set the kitten down.

"So what are you going to name her?" He father asked as they all watched the kitten explore it's new environment. 

"I'm gonna name her Kyna." Mara announce proudly. "I thought of it 'cuz of Kenai in Brother Bear and I thought you'd have to be as tough as a bear to live as long as she has without her family." Mara eexplained, smiling up at her parents.

"Alright then, Kyna it is." They said, smiling at the kitten as it played with a ball they had left over from one of their previous cats.