



Name: Scur

NickNames: cur

Gender: Male

Mates Owner: 
Fairy King
Breeings Left: 
6+ soulmate

Base off of: Zapdos

Jewel Power: Lightning
Jewel Type: Custom
Rarity: Legendary

Scur is really laid back and relaxed, but he can also be very playful and cheeky. He's fluent in sarcasm and can go for hours with out hesitating to give a good comeback. Although his usual spars are with Cendri, he's willing to wage a comment war with anyone. Sometimes though he can have really deep meaningful conversations, and tends to like to watch the sky while he talks. His favorite time to be out and doing things are during cloudy days. As much as he loves sunlight and warm weather, nothing beats the fall for him. He enjoys the rainy weather and the cool air.

Some of Scur's Favorite things are related to the fall. His favorite holiday is Haloween without a doubt, He really enjoy's seeing all the strange creature that comes out and likes to shock people for their "trick". Another reason he loves fall so much is the weather and the way the leaves are changing. He just likes to admire all the bright colors and beautiful trees. He also likes wearing big fluffy sweater's that Cendri has. (Scur is a notorious sweater thief) 

Cednri- Best Friends-
Scur and Cednri have known each other as long as they can remember. They're basically attached and tend not to be separated and often like to harass Articuno, which usually ends up with them both being soaked through. Scur really enjoys the company of Cendri and couldn't think of anyone better to spend his time with. Although they do have some of their own other separate friends Scur spends most of his time with him.

Hoshiko and Scur are rather good friends for how rarely they see each other. Hoshiko and Scur share the same fascination with the moon and stars, which is how they met. The few times they do spend together they lay admiring the night sky and how vast and beautiful it is. Hoshiko also really enjoy's to watch lightning which is Scur's Passion. Sometimes they chase storms together.

Remus- Rivals
Scur and Remus met one night during a rather light rainstorm. Sucr wasn't paying attention to where he was going and ended up knocking Remus over causing him to stumble and earn a good pawful of scrapes. Though he tried to apologize many times Remus wouldn't listen to Scur, so frustrated Scur brushed past him and shocked him. They have been rivals since, and if they come across each other it's best to try and stay out of the way.