


6 years, 8 months ago




Name Vera
Called Vera/Nii-chan
Age 23
Gender Male
Race Lineheart
Occupation N.E.E.T
Demeanor Cold


  • Reva (Platonically)
  • Sweets
  • Cold Weather
  • Amusement Parks


  • Migraines
  • Loud Noises
  • People.
  • Horror Attractions

A NEET that resides in his brother's home. Once a former promising college student he is now rarely seen outside. When he is seen, he is often is seen with a tired and emotionless look on his face.


Vera is a quiet and reserved indivudal who's rarely seen outside due to his chronic migranes that started when he was in college. He has a huge dependence on his younger twin brother, Reva, and lives with him in his home. He is currently an unemployed, college drop out, unable to get a job or any sort of training due to his headaches. Despite all of this, he tries his best to at least be a emotionally supportive older brother.


Vera and Reva were born to parents who were quite neglectful, leaving the twins to care for each other most of the time seeing that they only had each other; making the twins inseperable. When the two of them entered highschool, they met Keres when joining orchestra. The two of them quickly befriended Keres and became extremely close with one another, even as far as attending the same university together.

During Vera's time in university he worked extremely hard as he and his brother studied in buisness. Often having to help his younger brother out with his homework; not that he would mind. At the same time he met a young man by the name of Caelan, the two becoming rivals as they would participate in the same scholarships, programs, anything that would advance and help their degree and future career.

It wasn't till near the end of one of his semesters in college, he started to have occasional headaches that at first he thought was due to lack of sleep and stress. He didn't think too much of at first till the headaches became a lot more frequent. It wasn't till the night before he had an important internship opprotunity he suffered from an extreme migraine which impeded his ability to perform well for his interview, losing his internship to Caelan.

Distraught, he struggled to find other opprotunities as his migraines became a lot more frequent and worse; making his grades fall due his abscence in class and worsening the stress that he was already facing. It wasn't till the weekend before his final exams week, he suffered from another terrible migrane. Seeing that it was impossible for him to pass his classes at this rate along with the copious amount of stress that was piling on top of him for possibly losing his scholarships, and any future internships. He opted to drop out, aware that he was basically 'dying' from the stress and went to Vera, asking if he could live with him for the meanwhile till his migraines lightened up.

Current Time

Vera continues to live his brother; unable to really do much as it became increasingly difficult for him to do anything to help around the house with his constant headaches and fatigue. Making him rely heavily on caffinated drinks to try to 'function' and do the simplest of tasks around the house.


  • Suffers from chronic headaches/migraines. His longest migraine lasting over a week. (He thought he was dying.)
  • No headache medicine works for him, and he refuses to go to the doctor due to being scared of them (not that he would ever admit it)
  • He can't cook, he only knows how to make cup noodles.
  • Used to play violin in orchestra with Keres, quit after he started getting migraines.
  • He's always tired and often sleeps throughout most of the day (which just makes him more tired and doesn't help his headaches..).
  • A big caffine junkie and is often seen drinking either coffee or energy drinks, it doesn't help make him any less tired (and doesn't help with his headaches what so ever...).
  • Used to occasionally switch places with Reva when they went to college together.
  • He has a poor sense of direction, his migraines not making this any better.
  • Skilled in carnival games and often wins a lot of prizes for Reva.
  • He doesn't know how to smile properly, though he does have a small genuine smile occasionally. Most of the time it comes off as looking 'scary' or forced.
  • Was given his hair pin by Reva when they were younger, he kept it to this day as it made it easier to tell the difference between the two brothers.
  • Despite enjoying amusement parks, he isn't a huge fan of thrill-ride. Regardless, he'll still go on them.



Reva [ Twin Brother ]

Reva is his younger twin brother (by 17 minutes). He is currently being taken care of by him after dropping out of college due to his chronic migraines. Both he and Reva are protective of each other, though he doesn't show his care for Reva as openly as his brother.


Keres [ Close Friend ]

Keres is Reva's and his close friend from highschool. The three of them met during orchestra and have been friends since; going as far as attending the same University before Reva dropped out. They still keep in close contact with one another.


Caelan [ Former Rival ]

The two saw each other as 'rivals' and used to compete with him for various opprotunities in college. Their last 'competition' was over an internship that Reva was unable to get due to extreme fatigue from his migraines that eventually lead up to him dropping out of college.


Casimir [ Boyfriend ]

Is currently daiting Casimir after meeting the other during a failed grocery run. The two became friends and 'bonded' over their similarities to their relationships to their siblings. He is fully unaware that the two are in an extremely unhealthy relationship due to Casimir's posessiveness.