


2 years, 8 months ago


Formerly Acornpaw. 


Fallenpaw is a large tom with thick fur. His fur is flat on his abdomen and legs, but he has fluffy/shaggy ear tufts, belly, and tail,
and puffy/round neck and cheek fur. The fur on his tail is sort of pear-shaped. The base of his tail is thin, but it slowly grows thicker the closer it gets to the end, concluding on a large, rounded fluffy tip

He is heavier than he is tall, as he is stocky, but he is taller than average. His right back leg is paralyzed, and hangs down when he walks, the top of the foot dragging on the ground. He has a patch of scar tissue on the back of said foot, from a recurring wound that opened up from friction burn.

Fallenpaw's color and pattern is overall medium in every way, in stark contrast to his large stature. Fallenpaw's abdomen has a base color of a medium brown, and his belly is a creamy pale brown. His medium brown pelt fades to an orange-toned brown on his neck/puffy cheek fur, before fading back to a medium brown on his face. His stripes follow suit, fading to a darker orange toned-brown on top of his orange toned-brown neck/cheek fur before fading back to an almost black on top of his medium brown face.

His tail is the same color as his belly with an almost-black stripe going down the top that lines up with the stripe going along his spine, and a tail tip the same almost-black color as the stripe.

His front legs are the same medium brown as his abdomen, with almost black stripes and paws the same color as the stripes. His back legs however are the same color as his belly, with almost black toes. Fallenpaw's ear tufts and the back of his ears in general are the same color as his stripes (almost black). His chin and the tip of his muzzle are the same pale creamy color as his belly.

His eyes are a slightly green-based hazel, and he has the same creamy color as his belly around both eyes. His nose is pink, but with a slight undertone of brown. His paw pads are the same color as his nose.

(Please color pick his image and use it for reference, but check the appearance because there may be some things that are different from the image, for example, he does NOT have the gray that the image has on his front paws. Also check the appearance for anything you can't see on the image.)