Betty the Friesian



2 years, 7 months ago


This is Betty, a 7ft tall(to the forehead) Friesian horse who especially loves David and loves running. Though Friesians are not that fast, Betty can run a bit faster than other Friesians. 

Her rider is David, a Canadian cowboy that loved horses ever since he was little. David is actually a bareback rider meaning he rides with no saddle, although Betty doesn't really mind. In fact, she likes it better when David bareback rides rather than with a saddle because she finds it more comfortable. Now Betty may be pretty fast, but with the help of David's strong thighs and grip, he actually has a good balance on Betty and never really has a problem with almost falling off.

Now the reasons David bareback rides, well, 1st of all he's too lazy to put on the saddle so he said "Fuck it I'll just learn to bareback ride"
2nd of all I need more reasons for him having strong legs
And 3rd? Well ehh, I swear I had a 3rd reason but I forgot 

Anyways, Betty may seem like a sassy horse with her design n' all, but she's actually really nice! Well, she's usually nice to David and sometimes she'll be a bit of an ass to Whitney, but they're good friends. She doesn't like to hang around people she doesn't know.