Whitney the Shire



2 years, 8 months ago


This is Whitney, she's a completely white shire horse while the insides of her nostrils and ears are black. She's one of the 2 horses that David owns. She's much bigger and stronger than Betty(the other horse) meaning she's the one that helps David with big things like plowing for example. 

Whitney doesn't really feel comfortable with a saddle, but she is comfortable with the bridle. She is about 7 feet tall to her forehead. Since Whitney is much bigger, David rides her less than he does with Betty since Betty is a more comfortable ride. David does ride Whitney sometimes though, but he has to have a good grip holding onto her main and squeezing her sides with his legs when Whitney runs since she doesn't really like saddles. 

Whitney isn't very comfortable with girls since a woman has treated her badly in the past, she's more comfortable around men and trusts only David.