Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Please read me

Me and all of my characters are part of the LGBTQ+, so if you are racist or homophobic please take this time right now to leave my profile.

All of my characters have their own personalities and beliefs, they do not reflect me in any way, shape, or form unless they are sonas; please don't assume and instead talk to me to learn about me!

A LOT of my OCs deal with heavier topics, certain profile pictures may depict blood or smoking or body horror ect so apologies to anyone with triggers, if the picture doesn't bother you but you are triggered by heavy subjects, I suggest staying away from most OC's backstories, especially those in OtherWorld.

Absolutely feel free to suggest voice claims, songs you think would match them, outfits, whatever you'd like; I'm slowly building up on my characters, the world, and it's lore, and all outside opinions are welcomed if you want to share them! I could always use the help ♥ And to you reading this: much love, stay safe, and have a fantastic day!

Do not
  • Ask for ANY of my characters. All of them are built into my lore and treasured by me, so unless it's specified that they're for sale/trade, please don't ask.
  • Copy, Steal, or Trace my characters; I haven't been copied or stolen from yet, but it would absolutely shatter my heart to wake up one day and find someone's stolen one of my beloved characters. Admire them from a distance please.
  • Draw NSFW of any of my characters. Ship art is okay, but anything overly sexual and graphic is not welcomed, I am Asexual and uncomfortable with it, thank you.
Content Warnings
  • Eyes/Tryphophobia? One of my characters is STRONGLY affiliated with eyes, this could potentially be a trigger so I'm mentioning it here.
  • Abuse, Neglect, Depression, ect. A lot of my characters' backstories are tragic, so themes like these come up often amongst them.
  • Religion, demons, Satan, hell, ect. This also tends to come up a bit, but as a non-Christian, I'm not too good with my Christian characters, so if anything's off of can be improved with them, feel free to kindly let me know!

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

Mentally Abused



Child Abuse

Child Death

Disordered Eating


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